Chapter 36: Nothing But Trouble

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The next few days we didn't do much of anything because we became lazy, so we decided to stay in and watch movies. But that's not all we did, because that lead to making out which lead to having sex.

But I'm not complaining.

It was now Friday and we had one more day until we had to leave and go back. I didn't want to go back because I wanted to stay there with her for as long as we could.

I knew that once we got back, we'd have to act like we're just teacher and student, and I hated that feeling. Now that we actually had the chance to be together, I didn't want to ever leave her side.

It was currently late in the afternoon and I was laying on the couch watching TV. Tzuyu had went to the bedroom for something and I was honestly getting sleepy because there was nothing on TV.

I heard the door shut and I looked to see Tzuyu walking in the living room, "Come on," she grabbed the remote and shut the TV off as I was sitting up.

I looked at her, "What?"

She looked at me, "Get dressed, we're going out,"

I stood up, "Where to?"

She grabbed her keys from the table, "We're going to a club,"

I stared at her, "Um, you do remember that I'm too young, right?" I mean, did she forget that?

She chuckled, "It's not just a club, it has other stuff besides a bar there," she stared at me. "I wouldn't take you to a bar, ok? So come on," she rushed me and told me to go get ready.

I didn't really feel like going out. I kind of just wanted to stay in and make love to her again, but this was our last night here, so we might as well do something.
After I got ready, we were walking down the stairs to her car and I couldn't help but wonder why she wanted to go to a club. I mean, we could go down to the beach instead. I wouldn't be able to do much there, and she probably wants to drink.

Oh, that's why.

She wanted to drink. Now I feel bad because I'm underage so I can't drink with her, which I'm glad, but she's thirty and wants to drink, and I'm probably preventing her from doing so.

Once we were backing out of the driveway, I looked over at her, "Are we going to this club because you want to drink?"

She glanced over at me, "Sort of," she looked back at the road then back at me, "I didn't want to say anything because of you being underage," she stared at me for a second, "I didn't want you to feel left out,"
I shrugged, "It's fine. I don't mind,"

She looked at me, "Really?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I understand that you want to drink sometimes, but um, I didn't know you did drink,"
She smiled, "I don't drink a lot, but I thought I needed something since this was our last day here," I nodded and watched her drive.

I don't ever want to drink. I'm way too scared to even have a drink in my hand. It terrifies me knowing that my family is nothing but alcoholics and if I start drinking, I'll become one.

My father was a drinker, but he was never a drunk. My mother drank sometimes, but never got drunk enough. And Yoona, well, she was an alcoholic all the way, plus a druggie.

So, yeah, I don't want to end up like her.

We made it to the club and it was pretty packed. I could hear the music from all the way out in the parking lot, and I could already tell that I was going to have a headache from it.

We got out and walked in together and I wish we never came, because the sight I was seeing right now was enough for me, and I knew this place wasn't for me.

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