Love drunk

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Well hello there. How did you find this piece of trash? Ok ok enough of my "this is trash cause I wrote it" stuff. I just wanted to tell you that this is literally my second fanfiction ever. And the first one I wrote in English. The thing is I'm German and only 13 y/o so you'll probably find a lot of misspelling or messed up grammar. I would really appreciate it if you maybe could tell me about stuff like that in the comments. It would help me a lot. Ok imma stop "talking" now. Enjoy the fanfiction:)

A slight breeze brushed over Angels white fur and made him blink a bit. He sat there at the edge of the Hazbin Hotel, demons shouted at each other or screamed in pain. All this noise seemed muffled and everything looked so small from up here. A little smile crept onto his face. He loved this place, this rooftop because no one ever came here except for him. And it was almost the highest place in hell. The last weeks were horrible, He was allowed no fun stuff, no drugs, not even swearing! And being shouted at by Vaggie for being useless or some shit also was annoying as fuck. And then there was Alastor. Extremely Red, extremely attractive, extremely dangerous, extremely weird Alastor. And He'd have to lie if He said that he didn't made Angel feel a way that he never felt before. Not the I wanna fuck you and then barely talk to you ever again way. Nu uh he made him feel a I wanna spend the rest of my life with you and maybe even marry you way. Which was new to him and he didn't know if he liked it. Well it couldn't ruin his career anymore that was for sure cause it was dead unarrival. But being in a serious relationship might not work for him. He was used to being a toy that you throw away eventually wich might have made him immune against love or sum shit like that? And Alastor definitely despised him. But I could try right? These thoughts were going through his head for the whole fucking week. That's why he was up here. To clear his head. Usually he would just get drunk or high at this point but Vaggie and Charlie would kill him. Well only Vaggie but that wasn't much better. He Laid back and stared at the red Skye. The few stars and clouds made it kinda pretty. After some time he got lost in his thoughts about Alastor again. 

Alastor made his way up the stairs and into his room. As soon as the door slammed shut his huge smile made place for a frown. The last few days were horrible. 5 demons checked in and it was more then horrible to get them to do what they're supposed to do and what not. And Alastor wasn't allowed to kill, eat or torture any of them. He sat down on the bed looking pretty exhausted. It was really hot and the air was thick. His room didn't have a window either so he couldn't cool the air down. It came to a point where it was unbearable and he shot up from his bed grabbing his cane putting on his usual fake smile as he opened up his door. He went to the elevator and picked the top.

Angel was practically ripped out of his thoughts by the sound of a metal door slamming open and then shut. He shot up and turned around only to be met by the gaze of the red radio demon. "Alastor?", he looked confused up at the taller demon. He was met with a rather confused smile"Well what the hell are you doing up here?", Alastor asked in that cheerful voice he often used. "Just chillin y'know", he looked up at Al pretty annoyed looking so he would go away and angel could drown in thoughts again. But Alastor didn't even waste a thought on leaving. He instead sat down next to Angel and tried to find out why exactly he's sitting here. Angel didn't know if he should be annoyed or happy. On one hand he really wanted Alastor to be with him, on the other hand he hadn't finished his thoughts about what to do with Alastor and his feelings. Angel looked to the side and glared at Alastor. The smile was even visible from here. He kept looking at him and slowly got lost in his thoughts once more. But this time they were different. He couldn't help but think about how beautiful Alastor was. Those small little antlers the blood red hair, these ears that looked so fluffy that he just wanted to pet them. They were probably even fluffier and softer then any of his own fluff. Alastors shadow looked completely Normal for once and Angel wondered what that meant. "Are you okay?", asked Alastor. Angel almost fell from the rooftop when Alastor turned his head to him and asked that question. "What?", he asked confused "Well you were staring it me with all dreamy eyes or how to call it", Alastor responded with surprisingly no signs of anger or annoyance. "Uh did I?", Angel tried to save himself "Well yes. I'm not a liar dear", Alastor responded. A little blush crept onto Angels face and he had no idea what to say now. A little chuckle came from Alastor and Angel just layd down again.

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