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They stayed there for a while in comfortable silence. The wind brushed the fur of both of them wich made Alastors ears tickle a bit. They moved like deer ears do and he could hear a little chuckle from the spider-demon next to him. It made his smile widen a bit but then he almost frowned in confusion. "Why are you even up here?", Angel asked while sitting up. Alastor sat up too, he hated being smaller than others. He didn't know if he should lie to Angel or tell him the truth. Could he trust him? Maybe. He didn't seem suspicious or anything. "Uhh am I going to get an answer?", Angel asked. Alastor turned his head to him. He figured he'd just tell Angel the truth. There was no reason for lying. "Because I wanted to. And because the air in my room is horrible" He answered in his usual radio like voice. "There a things called windows y'know", Angel responded sounding pretty ironic. "Well you see my room doesn't have any". Angel didn't say anything except for "oh..." to that. Alastor chuckled in respond. "Yeah yeah laugh at the dumb Demon", Angel joked. "It's getting kinda windy", noticed Alastor. "Maybe we should go inside". "Oh Al is actually caring about someone"."I don't care about you. Only about me", he said a little offended while getting up.

"I know a lie when I hear one!", Angel said while also getting up. But in that exact moment the wind got stronger and he lost balance. He couldn't move and just shut his eyes scared and shocked at once. But then he realised that he wasn't falling. A strong hand pulled him back. He was too weak to stand and  was about to just fall to the ground but the hand held him up. "Angel? Angel my dear can you hear me?", even now he used these nicknames. Angel looked up at the taller demon with his mismatched eyes. Alastor had a rather concerned smiled on his face. "Do. You. Hear. Me!", The demon asked once again. This time slower. "Y-yes", he stuttered, the panic slowly leaving his body. Alastor let go of him. "You really do care about me don't you?", he said, his sassy attitude finally coming back. "Nope. But dying this way would be boring", Angel could easily see how Alastor tried to find fitting words. But he acted like he didn't and just said: "Let's just get down. I don't wanna fall again!". They made their way inside and down the stairs. Alastor left as soon as they were near his room. Angel also walked to his room. As he entered the room he was met with excited squeaks. "Fat Nuggets!", he embraced his pig, a big smile on his face "I know I was gone for  long I'm sorry. I missed you too trust me!". The squeaks got even more excited by the sound of his owner talking to him. Angel gave nuggets a quick kiss on the head and the let go off him. It ran around angel 3 times until finally calming down. Angel let out a long yawn. He figured he should go to bed. It was already late. He changed his clothes, turned the lights off and fell into bed falling asleep quickly.

I don't really like this chapter it's kinda trash...but I hope u like it. Also I wrote this in school cause I was done with the stuff I was supposed to do xD 

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