Calming heart

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Look I posted two chapters on one day so you're not upset

TW: Homophobia, mention of childhood trauma, physical violence)

Angel POV

It was 10 AM when I woke up. I slowly got out of the two blankets that were wrapped around me. Must've turned around a few times while sleeping. I fed my pig and got myself dressed. Then I made my way downstairs to get some breakfast. To my surprise Alastor was there too. He was chatting with some other demon I didn't know. The stranger was mid sentence when Alastor noticed me and turned around, neglecting their conversation. "Finally got up Angel?" He asked, that piercing smile on his face like always. Well almost always. I chuckled and got myself something to eat. Then I sat down next to him. "Do you always sleep that long?" The radio demon asked. I shook my head "Just didn't get much sleep the last few day's" I took a bite of the bland toast. Alastor nodded. "I don't really need much sleep. I just sleep every night because it gets boring otherwise" Alastor said with a slight chuckle. I chuckled too "I wish I didn't need sleep. Then I wouldn't be so fuckin wrecked sometimes y'know" I took another bite of my toast "When I was alive I sometimes didn't get much sleep either. I was entertaining my listeners all day and at night I went out hunting or killing. I never killed my listeners though" as I listened to him my mind started to trail off. Of course I kept focused on what he was saying but at the same time I thought about how beautiful his crimson eyes are. How soft and fluffy his deer ears looked. How soothing his voice sounded as he got more serious. I noticed not too long ago that the more serious he was the less static was in his voice and right now it was almost completely gone. It sounded beautiful and deep. I wonder if this voice ever told anyone he loved them and actually meant it. "Angel? Angel are you ok? Hey Angel Dust!" His clawed hand waved in front of my face and I finally stepped back into reality. I blinked harshly and looked up at him, noticing how worried he looked "H-huh..?" I said. "Are you ok?" He asked "Uhm yeah sorry. I was just thinking about....something" he looked at me with a face that told me he didn't believe me "I really did Al. It's find!" I said "It better be fine" he responded.

"Never seen you so worried Al" I said with a chuckle. He scoffed "Eat up your toast. It's getting boring" I chuckled once again and stuffed the toast into my mouth. I was still chewing when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to find a tall blue demon staring down at me with one deep red eye. I slowly swallowed my toast "Well well well. What do we have here" he said in a deep voice

Confusion spread across my face "Angel Dust the TV Fagott" that's when I started to understand what was going on "Oh calm down bud. Just don-" I was cut off by a fist in my face. I fell down the chair but quickly got up again. I tried to get into a Defense position but failed miserably. I only got into fist fights down here twice. So this was the third time. And fist fights never endet well for me.

Another punch hit my face and I stumbled backwards. My eyes shut and images flashed in front of me. And old man in front of me his empty glass bottle flying towards me, and old mans fists flying at me constantly. I opened my eyes and another fist hit me. The demon in front of me turned into that old man. A sound of static filled my ears but I couldn't see anything. I only saw me lying on the ground getting kicked over and over again. But my body told me I was still standing. What was real? Was I lying or standing? Where am I? Am I human or demon? My whole body strayed to shake. I didn't know what was real anymore. I felt like I was being beaten but there was no pain. I looked down and saw the floor. I saw human legs and demon legs at the same time. I felt so numb. No I barely felt anything. I heard nothing around me, saw nothing around me felt nothing around me. Until I noticed two strong arms pulling me into a tight embrace. I found my head leaned against someone's chest, so close that I could hear their heart beating. I noticed that they were humming in a warm tone. I knew that melody. I knew that song. It was from the early 30. That's when I realised that I knew the voice too. I finally stepped back into reality. Alastor had me in a tight embrace and was humming that old song. He knew that I knew cause we lived at the same time. "A-al..?" I slowly looked up at him. A soft smile was resting on his lips "Finally back to reality?" He asked. I nodded "What happened..?" "That demon began beating you out of no where. I killed him pretty fast but when I looked at you you were just staring into the void and shaking rapidly...I tried talking to you but you didn't respond. Then I hugged you and started humming that song that was pretty popular in the 30. Figured it might help.." a soft smile appeared on my face "Thank you.." was the only thing I could say. I placed my head on his chest again and shut my eyes, still having to recover a bit. But I also just wanted to hear his heartbeat again. It was quite calming.

I don't know how much time passed until the Deer demon spoke up "We're still in the lobby" he said

"Are they all staring at us or what?" I asked voice muffled by Alastors red suit "No. They left after I killed that demon" he said with a slight chuckle "I'm tired" "Another reason for you to leave the lobby"

"Ok we'll leave"

Alastor POV

We both made our way upstairs and to Angels room. Once we got in he basically fell onto his bed not even caring to get changed. "Good Night Angel dear" I said and was about to leave again since I just wanted to make sure he was ok but then a "Wait!" Came from Angel. I turned around again "I...don't wanna be alone..not after the shit that happened..." he told me blushing ever so slightly. I sighed and walked back to him "Are you sure you want me in here? There's that static noise coming from me constantly" I asked

He nodded "Alright I'll stay" a smile appeared on his pale face. I sat down on the edge of his bed and waited. He fell asleep pretty quickly and a started thinking about just leaving and if he would be upset if I did it. That's when I felt four arms pulling me down and into a tight embrace. I protested at first but realised that I couldn't do anything against his four arms and he didn't want to hurt him. And then I noticed that he somehow still was asleep. I sighed quietly and wrapped my arms around his body since I didn't know what else to do with them. Then I fell asleep.

Ok. I don't know if I like this chapter. It's kinda cliche isn't it? I hope y'all like it anyways. Also sorry for misspellings and stuff cuz I still don't have a new beta reader

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