KAMU SEDANG MEMBACA graphic compilation: frozen heart Random [OPEN REQUEST] let me see who you are. Restarted from 'Kumpulan Wallpaper Buatan Gabycoolkas' Tahun baru, harapan baru, editan baru yang masih sama tidak-terlalu-bagusnya. But still, hope you guys like em! #animasi #blend #cover #edit #editing #edits #foto #gabywrhmwn #lockscreen #logo #photo #photoediting #poster #theredfox #tutor #tutorial #wallpaper restarted: frozen heart. 13 0 0 oleh Gabywrhmwn_ oleh Gabywrhmwn_ Ikuti Bagikan Post to Your Profile Share via Email Laporkan cerita Kirim Send to Friend Bagikan Post to Your Profile Share via Email Report Story they say beware the frozen heart. and now you scared of yourself. but it's okay. I am not afraid of you. just show me ... who you are. . . . new year, new chapters welcome to the restarted version of my not-so-good graphic compilation book. hope we can be great friends. enjoy! Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.