Day One. "Dear Lord, I am Dead... "

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I was trapped.

I had quit struggling minutes ago and was long been awake... yet, I kept my eyes closed for I did not want to see where I was.

My back was laid in a muck. The vicious and dense material wrapped and pinned my whole body. Only my head from ears up to my face floated above it. The mud stream drifted very slowly and carried me along. That was how it felt like.

I was about to scream for help when the dreadful realization came to me, "Dear Lord, I am dead...". 

Suddenly, I heard noises... footsteps sloshing the muddy ground were hurriedly coming towards me. "Don't open your eyes if you want to survive," the man advised while grabbing me on my shoulders. Then, he quickly pulled me up and freed me from the slurry trap.

I was standing up and about to scrape off the mud from my right arm, when he promptly said in a hushed tone, "Let the mud be in your body. It'll camouflage you from them."

“Can I open my eyes now?” I asked the man.

“Sshhh… Lower your voice,” he whispered harshly. Then, he covered my head with what felt like a damp cloak and told me, “Never remove this until I say so... you hear? Never.”

I nodded, while my hands stroked the cover on my head. Instinctively, I adjusted it ensuring it would not cover my face. My hands ran through the remaining loose cloth and wrapped it around my neck. I tucked it so it won’t slip down or be flown away by wind. Then, I asked again, “Can I open my eyes now?”

The man grabbed and held my right hand securely and said firmly, “Yes, because we have to run fast. Now!”

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