Day Seven. "Eternal Bond.."

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The ground shook and the sky roared every time Primus spoke. He was interrogating me. He appeared impatient and ruthless, but he was calm for there was no rage or violence in his eyes. The display of power was just for a show - I knew... I don't know how, but somehow I just knew... and in addition, my guardian angel was there. 

The sky thundered again when he demanded for the answer. "Where did you get these? Tell me, human!" Clasped in his right hand were the pearls given by the sirens.

"Search her!" Primus ordered, but my angel interfered, "I already had and she's clean."

"Then search here again!" The biggest man-bird commanded. "Apparently, you didn't do a good job because you missed these." 

My guardian angel just stood back and did nothing when the three others immediately held me and took off my clothes. I was bare, and these beings were keenly examining my body inch by inch. If I could see myself in the mirror, I would say that my face reddened by mix emotions of anger, discomposure and confusion. I closed my eyes when their scrutiny went between my thighs. I felt like a lab rat. Even my butt hole didn't escape their inspection.

"She's clean, Primus." They reported in chorus when they were done.

"Are you happy now?" I said without hiding my displeasure while wrapping my body with the Doric garment. I did my best to control my emotions. Being angry or panicky won't do me any good - I reasoned in my head.

I gave my guardian angel an eyeful trying to solicit sympathy and assistance, but he granted none. He looked different from them now that his helmet has been removed. His face was surprisingly handsome and mesmerizing despite its fierce features. I somehow glimpsed revulsion in him. Even with these heavenly creatures, the eyes still revealed many things.

Primus moved closer and asked again, "For the last time, where did you get these?" He partly cowered so we could see through each other's eyes. His huge beaks were only an inch away from my nose and I could hear his heavy breathing under his mask. His look burrows like a dagger, but it didn't scare me. I'm done being afraid. I had calmed myself already, and had nothing to fear for I did not do anything bad or wrong.

I met his gaze, pulled air to fill my lungs and exhaled slowly... then, hissed between my teeth as I answered, "I will tell you everything if you answer my questions."

He stretched and flexed his wings, stood erect and replied irksomely, "Alright, as you wish. We will play your game" Then, he paced towards my angel and said with a smirk, "Terrigenus Animus extraordinaire, indeed."

My guardian angel's face showed no expression when he stared at me and conveyed, "Terrigenus Animus - human being soul." It was as if he was reading my thoughts... but, wait... didn't he said previously that he can read my mind? - I recalled.

"So, where did you get these?" Primus firmly repeated his inquiry.

"They were from the sirens." There was no shaking in my voice anymore when I replied. Now, I will have answers - hope filled my thoughts.

"Sirens? What do you mean by sirens?" Primus seemed surprise.

"Yes, sirens - that's what my friend call them. Now, my turn." I stipulated, trying to scheme the best way to gain. "What is this place and why am I here?"

"This is the portal - the middle plane of purgatories. You're here because, obviously, you're dead. You need to cross to the Altar Hall." My angel provided the answer.

"Purgatories? How many are there?" 

"Three: the Altar Hall, the portal and the abyss." Primus replied. "Now, tell me, how does your siren look like?"

I studied him quickly from head to toe before giving my answer. I wanted to be precise with the description. "Like a giant frill shark but with amphibious eyes on top and webbed dinosaur hands below the lower jaws. The biggest was twice as large as my guardian angel, maybe one and three fourth your size." I raised my hand up in the air to illustrate how tall the sirens were. "And, oh! They seemed to have a purple glowing heart inside, located below their gill slits that traversed their throats."

Primus opened his palms and looked raptly at the three round objects in his hand. "Tears of the Nerieds. Did you kill one to get these?" 

"Of course not! The biggest... I'm guessing that he's somehow the "Chief" in their group - he gave that to me... and those are not tears by the way, more like a puke..." I acted vomiting to show how they were produced. "My friend said they were harmless, and guess what? They were!"

One of them sketched two figures on the ground using his dagger. I was not aware that they were carrying knives, until now... but, I noticed that tips of their blade handles were similar to one of Gordon's cutters.

It didn't take long for him to finish his drawings. The illustrations were unbelievably outstanding. They looked like black and white 3D photographs of the creatures that gave me the objects in question, and one other that looked like a merman, except that it possessed a sea-horse like tail, instead of a normal fish's tail.

"Which one is your siren?" Primus gestured me to pin point.

The merman's picture was incredibly beautiful. Its body was lean and was slightly muscular build but without being bulky. He was adorned by something like a "mer-elvish" hybrid armor that was connected at his chest by a gem. The ears had fins and he wore a chain crown across his forehead. His long tail has multiple smaller fins. He has a back fin and a long hair.

"This one." I chose the monstrous looking creature.

"Nereids!" One of the three man-bird exclaimed.

"They are very ancient beings... as old as your world. Let's just say that before you, the humans, were created and before the garden of Eden was  made, they were the first care takers of Earth." Primus offered explanation, though I was not asking.

"Sea nymphs? Do mean to say that mermaids are real?" I excitedly asked. "So, are they still existing or were they extinct already?" Oh, how the theory of evolution could have achieved greater breakthrough, had they known these facts - I imagined.

However, my guardian angel interjected. "We are not in liberty to reveal the ancients to you. This is not the time and that is not our job."

"Then, why are you here? What do you want from me?" I demanded.

"At the moment of conception, a human soul sparks and life begins. One angel, like me, bonds with one human soul, like you. The pact starts from the day you are conceived until the day of judgement." He explained. "It is my duty to ensure that you are able to arrive to the Altar Hall at all cost." He continued.

"Huh?... really? Then, how come you were not with me on the first day I arrived here?" I nagged with whimsical countenance.

"Have you not considered that I might had been caught up with a perilous situation while trying to save you?" His answer was sarcastic.

My lips parted as the cuts and scratches in his arms and torso were revealed to me. "How is the bond made? And can we end it?" I hastily inquired, trying to change to subject.

"How the connection is made, that's a mystery even to us... but, breaking the bond, that's easy. You and you guardian angel just have to be at the Altar Hall, then puff! He is free from you." - Mr. Shorty spelt out gleefully.

"And the three of you, you are here for me too, are you not? You are bonded with me for the time being, right?" A malicious smile lined across my face as they nodded. A ploy to save Neal Gordon and the boy started to unfold in my head. 

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