Day Six. "Still..."

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I am at the breaking point.

Whatever fiber of equanimity and strength that held me together these past few days were falling apart. The absence of purpose for my existence here dimmed my motivation to fight on.

Is this what awaits me in the afterlife? One more question added to the multitude of unanswered queries that were drowning my spirit.

The afterlife is forever – I reminded myself as I recalled the teachings I learned from the Church. They said souls of good people will go to heaven, then why is my fate seemed different? Was I a bad person? Am I doomed for hell? My mind wanted to explode as I searched for answers.

I don’t want to suffer for eternity, so I have to pull myself together. Neal Gordon had been here longer. From the looks of his dress and the manner he carried himself, I deduced that he had been here for a very long time. He survived, and so shall I. – I told myself. A tiny spark of hope refused to die inside me.

I may not have the answers yet. The odds may not be in my favor now, but I will find a way and I have faith that God will aid me. I believe in my heart that He loves me! - I consoled myself as lines of tears trickled my cheeks.

The thoughts of God’s love and his overflowing mercy seemed to work as I felt my calmness surfacing back while we fly. The light touch of wind on my body seemed to wash away my hopelessness. 

The "bird-men" had been taking wing for hours now. They seemed looking for something. We were moving from one place to another. My captor carried me, but this time, by his arms like a bride.

They were in V formation, like migratory ducks. Primus was in the center. My alleged soulmate and I plus the shortest in the group were in his right side. The other two were on the left. We soared high, fast and stealthy. 

The two at the rear would scout the area first before the group would land. The routine: fly-scout-land-search had cycled several times before Primus declared, “This is the place.”

The towering platforms spread across the landscape behind the vast thunderclouds. They looked like a gloomy city filled with rock skyscrappers in varied sizes and heights. The area where we settled was among the tallest and biggest.

Primus stood near the cliff facing the clouds. He was watchful and appeared to be searching below for something. My captor and the other two busied themselves by lifting a slab of rock and two boulders towards the center, while “Mr. Shorty” stood by to watch over me.

“As if I could escape!” I said glaring at him, and then looked back to his comrades direction. My eyes widened again and my heart pumped faster when I understood that they were building an altar. Extreme fear struck me when I realized that I may not be a bride but an offering instead. After all, the ancients were known for blood sacrifices to gain favor, and even in the afterlife, it may still be true.

Panic was about to overwhelm me when my captor came and said, “Fear not, Allayna Jones. We are not here to harm you.”

“What do you want from me?” I shrieked. My boiling emotion finally spewed as I screamed demanding for answer.

Primus immediately moved towards me. Dusts propelled up when his wings flapped as he hovered. “Restrain yourself human!” I thought the sky thundered when he gave the order.

“But I want answers now!” I bravely pleaded between tears. “Who are you? Where am I? Why am I here?”

My “soul-mate” calmed and assured me by saying, “In due time you will know and everything will be clearer to you. For now, you have to prepare yourself. The ceremony cannot start with you looking like that,” he said while gesturing my dress.

One of the hybrids walked nearer and handed a neatly folded linen fabric to me. I could not hide the shaking of my hands as I accepted and unfurled the textile. It was a large square piece of cloth. The other man-bird gave me two sparkling badges and something like a long golden strap. “Your brooches and gurdle,” he said.

“Pins and belt for your clothing,” my captor butted in. “Remember the Greek goddesses? You’re finally wearing a dress like them.” He said, then walked away with the rest of them towards the altar.

The clothing was very simple and from the clue they gave me, I knew it was a Doric Chiton. It is worn by folding it and putting around the body. Brooches fastened the shoulders while the remaining fabric fell into folds. The belt held the dress in place.

I wanted to faint when I began to undress. The situation I was in at that moment was like a mashed up Greek and Egyptian mythology. “Am I some kind of a Greek goddess who is about to be united with Horus?” – Crazy thoughts spun in my head.

I looked at my captor and studied him as I slowly put on the garment. Except for his exposed six-pack abs and his very well toned muscular arms, I couldn’t think of anything else that could make me fall in love with him. Well, the wings seemed sexy, but how are we supposed to kiss with those beaks? My cogitation were interrupted when he came back and inquired if I was done.

“Look, I can’t marry you.” I said carelessly. “I’m sure that you are an amazing bird, err… person, but I firmly believe that marriage is for two beings who are in love with each other. And, please don’t be mad, but I’m not in love with you…”

I would have said more, but paused when the rest of them moved towards us. They all stood in front of me. I searched for the right words in my head as I gazed at my captor’s face. He slightly bowed and tilted his head a bit. I had not seen how the eye’s pupils could get dilated as a result of shock, until now.

There was an interlude. Even the wind seemed to hush. They were silent, as if contemplating on what I had just said. Moments later, one of them exclaimed, “Unbelievable!” He continued in snickered tone, “Is she always like this?”

I got confused because he sounded like he was about to burst from a half-suppressed laugh. Then, they, but Primus and my captor, roared in laughter. I didn’t know how to react. I didn’t know if I should be happy or be scared.

My “soul-mate” shook his head. His eyes showed dismay. Then he placed his palms at the sides of his head and pulled it up. I was bewildered as his bird-head seemed to detach from his body, and when it was finally up, lo and behold, appeared before me was a fierce but very handsome face of man!

He tucked the helmet at his side and declared boldly, “I am your Guardian Angel, Allayna Jones.”

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