Day Five. Still....

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Keep your fear level as low as possible – I reminded myself as I steadied the pace of my breathing. I was trying to shun away my distressing emotion aroused by the impending danger.

"They can sense your fear, if you panic you’ll lose your ability to fight and they’ll tear you to pieces.” Gordon warned while he cautiously slipped the ax into my hand.

“What are they?” My voice croaked as I asked him, as if my heart jumped to my throat.

“Wolves of Hell,” he declared in whisper while he set himself for defense. His right hand tightened its grip to the handle of the dagger tucked in his boot.

“M-maybe you should use the ax,” I stammered as I suggested which weapon is better for him to carry to best protect both of us.

“Trust me, you’ll be safer with that,” he hissed between his teeth. His face turned stern.

He unsheathed his knife and got up… making himself visible. He was challenging the wolves of hell. I followed his lead. I stood tall and made myself appear bigger. The predators might be put off by giving a good show of strength. However, they were not deterred. The animals got nearer. 

I cannot make out their colors or their exact forms… except for the flaming red eyes and their growls that were getting louder and louder, they appeared almost ghostly.

“Stay alert. We have to get back to the shack calmly but quickly,” Gordon ordered. “Never leave your sight from them, especially the one nearest you.” He instructed me as we backed away.

The wolves were skulking. They were investigating and testing for vulnerability and determination of their victims… so, I said firmly “I refuse to be you dinner today.”

“That’s the spirit,” Gordon cheered softly. “They will lose their shadowy haze when they attack and we’ll be able to see them clearly. Try to hit them in the face. Shield your neck so they won’t take a hold of the typical bite zone.” He gave me a crash course as we retraced our steps towards the shelter.

I secured the axe’s handle with both hands and prepared to swing it anytime. I was not thinking much anymore. I let the adrenalin take over.

"And one more thing, use your head well when you fight. These beasts have animal viciousness with some human cunning!” He warned.

I was not able to give my reply because one of the wolves took form. Its nebulous stealth faded when it came charging. It jumped towards me, displayed its razor sharp teeth, but Gordon quickly blocked the attack.

He raised his left hand and grabbed the wolf’s neck. Then, he swiftly drove the blade to its breast… twisted the knife… sliced and wildly yanked it out that its heart landed first to the ground before its lifeless body gave a thud.

“Run!! Allayna, run!!!” He yelled as the animals began to surround us.

I ran as fast as I could, but the uphill slowed me down. Eventually, one of them managed to barricade my way. Its huge size became more obvious by its advantageous position on the slope. The creature showed me its teeth and roared angrily. It raised its hackles to intimidate me. I clenched my jaws as I prepared to defend myself. Then, it sprang towards me... its mouth gapped wide for a bite.

I jumped back, but the animal aggressively thrust towards my face. I raised the ax and gave a blow, still the beast’s weight overwhelmed me. It knocked me off balance. I fell on my back with the wolf on top of me.

It wasn’t moving! Then, I felt a warm gush of liquid over my face and body. The weapon  had managed to hack its lower neck down to its shoulder. I shoved the wolf away from me and released a quick chuckle as I hastily pull myself up. “Praise the Lord!” I uttered with pride for my triumph… although, I really don’t know how I was able to administer such a deadly blow.

Neal Gordon tried to come to me, but three other wolves impeded him. One of them clamped its jaws to his left thigh… another sunk its teeth in his shoulder, while the third was ferociously trying to bite his face. He blocked it with his arm and wounded it with the knife.

It fell and moved back a bit, but then it rose and was ready to go again. So, I ran to his aide… swung the ax but miss. Then, the wolf turned to me but Gordon was quick to throw his knife. It buried in its skull and the beast laid dead.

Another one took over and attacked him. I staggered on my feet and managed to hack it on its back. The blade sunk but the creature seemed more determined to finish Gordon. He defended himself by seizing the jaws of the wolf with both his hands, as if trying to rip them apart.

I was about to lift the ax again to give another chop but then something grabbed me. I was lifted in the air. Huge talons firmly clasped my shoulders which prevented me from moving.

“Gordooon!” – was the only word I uttered as I helplessly watched my friend struggled to fend off the assaults from the wolves of Hell.

My feet were getting farther from land.

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