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As we enter into our school building (school building in media) and our English classroom I see half the class filtering in. Neither Sam nor Khe was in my English class so I had to be without them. 

"Hello class, please come up to my desk and place your Macbeth homework on the desk" Our teacher, Miss Pinkett said. I didn't have time to complete mine because the night I had tried to Charlie came in angry, as usual..


I sat on my bed finishing my Macbeth essay off when I heard the front door slam; "Bitch get down here now!" My uncle Charlie shouted from downstairs. I slowly got up and walked down the hallway to the top of the stairs, "Where is dinner?" 

"I didn't have time to make any, I just got home from wo-" SMACK! I held the side of my stinging face, as he latched onto my hair dragging me down the stairs. I tripped over my foot but he just used my hair to pick me back up as I screamed and cried. When we finally reached the bottom he threw me on the floor of the kitchen "I don't want no fucking excuses you should've made dinner but just like the stupid slag you are. you didn't" he said slapping me in my face again. 

"please.. please" I stuttered. But he wouldn't listen he punched me over and over again, all over. In my face, my stomach.. everywhere. After what felt like an eternity he was finally satisfied. He just walked away leaving me to cry. I just want to die when will this end? I thought to myself as I curled into a ball crying.

Flashback over

"Asiah? Where's yours?" 

"I didn't get to finish it Miss" I said looking down at the floor trying not to cry. "Okay just finish it and bring it to me when you can" she said with a warm smile. I weakly smiled back. 


"Bye Khe, bye Sam" I shouted waving back at my best-est friends as I entered the youth centre I worked at. I walked in smiling at my coworkers as I entered the locker room changing into my uniform. 

I walked over to the children "Hey guys how was school?" I asked the cutest little twins, "amazing" they said in unison giggling. 

They were adorable, with beautiful curly hair and caramel skin

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They were adorable, with beautiful curly hair and caramel skin. They always came here until their mum came to get them. They were so happy whenever she came to pick them up it warmed my heart but also made me sad that I didn't have a mother like theirs. My mother never picked me up it was always Charlie. I sat with the girls and a few others as we sang 'Let it go' from Frozen. A few of the boys called me over; "ASIAHHHHH, can we play outside pweaseeeeee" they begged, "sure come on" I replied back laughing. 

I watched as they took turns shooting hoops. I looked over in the distance to the group of thugs playing marbles, none of them pleased my eyes, they were always here causing havoc drinking and smoking weed. But there was one I'd never seen before. He was tall, very tall. He had beautiful glowing skin and dip dyed curly hair. I didn't realise I was staring till one of the little boys shook my arm "Asiah, Asiah can we go in its cold" "oh oh yes sorry lets go" I said walking towards the play room. When I reached the door the guy had disappeared. I just shrugged my shoulders walking over to the boys.


I yawned as I put my jumper on and set off to walk home. As I walked down the street I saw a car pull up up beside me. "Ain't it too late for a beautiful girl like you to be walking on these streets alone?" A voice said. It was a soft yet deep voice, it soothed me. But I tried to ignore it walking a little faster. It drove alongside me slowly, "Come on ma, I'm just trynna help. Let me take you home." "No, thank you. I'm fine I don't know you and I can walk fine" I replied back with attitude. He stopped his car getting out, I backed away but that's when the beautiful guy from earlier got out, "Listen ma, I ain't the guy to be talking to like that. I'm Lucas. and it's cold just get in let me help you." He said looking at me with a look of sincerity. I thought for a second then walked over towards the car, he held the door open for me then closed it behind me. 

We drove in silence for a while. "You hungry?" he asked as we drove towards McDonald's. I shook my head no even though I really was. We drove into the driveway. "I said no-" 

"Hello McDonald's what would you like?" the lady voice in the receiver said. "What you want ma?" she whispered to me. "I said I wasn't hungry Lucas. Please lets go." I said almost pleading for him to pull off but he didn't. 

"Sorry we'll have a Big Mac meal with a sprite. And 2 McFlurry's" I looked at him in shock. 

"Is that all sir" 

"Yes please." We drove to the window where Lucas gave the lady his card paying for the food then handing it to me taking 1 of the McFlurry's for himself. I looked at him stunned. Did I not just tell this boy I wasn't hungry? "Luc-" "I know you hungry mamas, just eat it." I gave up looking into the bag and eating a chip. 

It was a quick drive to my house compared to when I walk. Too quick. When we pulled up into my driveway I saw Charlie's car, so I knew he was in. I breathed deeply preparing myself for the worst. I opened the door of the car when Lucas stopped me, "I didn't get your name beautiful" "it's Asiah" I replied opening the door and getting out. I walked over to my door looking for my keys. I turned around to see Lucas still sitting there in his car probably waiting for me to go in before driving off. What a gentleman. I looked back at him with pleading eyes wishing he'd just save me from the pain I'd have to endure in a few seconds, I knew he couldn't so I just turned around pushing the key in and entering my house closing the door behind me...

Hey guys this is my longest chapter so far. Hope you're enjoying this book. This chapter was hard to write because I literally described an event that I went through in my own life recently, but I thought it fitted well so I just included it. Please vote and comment I would really appreciate it. love youssss x

 love youssss x

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