A surprise

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(Y/n)' pov

The days passed quickly. The same in the day in and day out. Infirmary, mess hall, training, and paperwork. You were seated by your group of friends that you've grown fond of. Sasha was warding off everyone from her food. Eren and Mikasa sat next to one another in private conversation.
"I miss being outside," Armin said as I looked over at him "So do I" I agreed as I ate my food even shorty and I was getting along good. Today was the day our new trainer will take over Eren's place and we're all nervous.

Levi has healed up to full and I didn't have to keep an eye anymore in the evenings although he asked me to still come and help. Honestly I never really understood him. He was always cold and blank. Emotionless. But when we were alone he seemed to be different. I sighed as Erens voice made me look up at him. " You coming (Y/n)" he asked as everyone started to make their way over to the training grounds. Nodding at the brown-haired boy I ascended in my seat and followed them.

You stared in awe as you looked at Levi. He was your new trainer. You blinked a few times before you readied yourself to start. The ODM gear was a lot easier to handle but hand to hand and strength wasn't on your side. Shorty phased through the cadets and he stopped in front of you. "Jaeger! Come here." He order and Eren quickly scurried to the captain "Yes sir?" He answered saluting him. "Tch..." He looked at him disgusted but more disappointed. " I thought I made myself clear six weeks ago?" He half asked and turned around towards me. " She will never be ready in the next
Week for the upcoming expedition." His words were angry and harsh. I know I have been giving my all and working hard every day my face expression turned blank as I hide my anger. "You both will be cleaning the stables for the next week" he ordered and turned around to go and pick on another helpless cadet. Eren looked at me and I gave a half-smile. And continued my training for the day.

A few hours later I found myself in the infirmary stitching up a long scratch on Jean's face. "Seriously what did you get yourself into again," I asked as he groaned when I took out the needle. " Titan boy..." I shook my head as I let a small chuckle escape. "Ahem..." We heard a familiar raven-haired male in the door. " Why are you not cleaning the stables?" He asked me. I rolled my eyes at him as I continued to work. " It's not like I can leave if someone needs medical attention, Levi..." He glared a look at me I sighed as I finished with Jean's stitches, he left in a scramble and I stood with Levi alone. Folding my arms I looked at him. "What's your problem?" I asked and I could see his getting angry.

"In front of people, you will call me Captian." He also folded his arms. " What have you been doing these past six weeks?. Instead of trying to get everyone's attention you must get stronger. " I looked at him blankly anger rising up in me too. "Are you done?" I asked and he only made his signature"tch" sound. " First of all, you asked me to only call you Levi. Second, I never asked to join. And thirdly I'm clumsy and can't really do fighting or get strong it's how I am. I'm doing the best that I can. " I took a breath and picked up my jacket pushing my arm through to put it on. " And lastly I can't believe what kind of jerk you could be. They warned me but I still gave you the benefit of the doubt." I then turned on him and walked out slamming the door and made my way over to the stables were Eren was already busy cleaning.

"Are you okay?" I heard the titan boy asked me I only nodded as I cleaned and for the first time since the titan appeared again and all that happened tears started to roll down my face as I couldn't keep when in anymore. "Surely your not okay?" Eren asked as he elbowed me as we worked on not to get in trouble. " It's just everything... It's so overwhelming. And Levi... Since this morning he was out to get under my skin. He's so different when we are alone." I sighed as I wiped the last tears away and continued to work "And why are we cleaning stables if there are cars? Surely Hange and get it to work on some sort of solar power or something" I said trying to blow a hair out my face.

"Then why done you give some driving lessons to some scouts then cause not everyone can drive." I heard from the voice I dreaded to hear from. I didn't look at him. "Yes Captian" I replied and continued to work. " Look at me (Y/n)" I shook my head as I refused. Eren suppressed a chuckle as he worked. " I will teach them when you have a few cars ready that we can use Captain. Is that all?" I asked half dismissing him, still looking down onto the job that I had to do.

"Tch... Fine I will go see Hange." He stormed off as I looked up watching him as he left. "You know he came to apologize," Eren asked scratching the back of his head nervously. "He's a jerk" Eren was laughing now and I couldn't help but laugh too. " just as stubborn as he I see," he said holding his stomach as he laughed. " No, not usually but he is just too much," I said with a chuckle and we continued our work chatting on.

Sorry if this chapter is a bit short the next chapter I have a few existing plans hope to see you there 😀🤪

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