Wake Up in the Morning to Strange Sounds

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The next morning, when I awoke, all the boys were still asleep, or so it seemed. I tip-toed across the room, and opened the door. It creaked loudly, and I winced. I checked the boys once again for any signs of awaking. Other then a big smile appearing on Harry's face, the others seemed to be asleep still. Making my way down the stairs, I heard cabinets opening and closing. 

"Erg, stupid noise," someone muttered from downstairs.

I made my way to the kitchen, and saw none other then Niall opening and closing the cabinets, looking for food.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He turned around, surprised. He chuckled.

"Did I wake ya? Didn't mean to... just looking for something to eat."

I wanted to laugh at his little accent, but continued to fake looking mad.

"You woke me, no. Food? Seriously, now?" I continued to be mad.

He looked fearful that I'd tell or something.

"Don't do that, I need some food too!" I said, a smile raising to my face.

He laughed, and I knew he thought I was truly mad.

"Well, I think we have Nandos leftovers in the fridge..." he replied, looking inside the fridge.

I turned on my phone, and looked in the fridge with him. He spotted this plastic container, and dove for it. Inside we struck gold. The golden food of Nando's... chicken!

Niall started to eat, and I followed closely behind, eating and eating and eating. Save room for breakfast, I told myself, though I knew it would be hard.

"You have a nice taste in food," he commented, as I dug through a peice of chicken.

I blushed, and grinned through all my eating. Soon enough, the boys came down to me and Niall, eating a bunch of chicken from the fridge. Harry scowled at Niall, in a SHE'S MINE, MAN! way. Niall just shrugged, as if to say She came down to me eating, busta. 

Harry smiled at me anyway, as though no mind-talk had ever gone on in that room.

"Hey, baby."

I blushed. Of course, he was the most flirty of the boys. Niall was the eater. Zayn was sort of... shy. Liam was the father of the group. And Louis, from what I knew, was funny.

"Hi..." I mumbled.

 He shot me one of those happy grins he had, it made me want to curl up in a ball. 

"Ello Liam," I said as Liam walked in, followed by a tired Louis and a perky Zayn. 

"I'm TIIIRREEDD! Can someone give me some coffee, and maybe some carrots?" Louis complained.

He looked over at me like it had just come to him that I was in the room.

"Hey, lady!" he said, smiling.

"Carrots with coffee? Strange mix," I replied.

He blushed faintly, then dove to the counter, where he put A LOT of coffee in the coffee maker, as well as about eight cups of water.

"Ello," Liam finally replied.

I smiled, knowing he was the one that I could "look up to" even if he wasn't the oldest. 

 "So, what will we be doing today?"

On a Saturday, it could be pretty boring just standing around. I, personally, hated standing around to wait.

"Eh, we could... I don't know," Niall admitted.

"It could be a bowling and Nando's day," Louis suggested from the coffee maker.

Niall's face lit up like a Christmas tree. He smiled.

"I like that idea."

Liam groaned, "Don't get 'em started, Louis!"

Louis looked at the coffee maker, where there was little coffee.

"Sorry," he shrugged.

I smiled, "I like that idea too."

Liam smiled, "All for it, raise your hands."

Everyone but Harry raised their hands.

"Most for it, let's leave in a hour," Liam smiled at me.

"Okay, I'll get ready, with my clothes and stuff," I told them.

Great. We'd be having fun, not standing around. And, as a bonus, Niall liked it too. All great things.

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