Chapter One: Alana: A Day Out And About, Continued

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I took a deep breath as I smoothed out my dress before moving to the stairs and slowly taking them step by step as usual, my heart was about to literally beat out of my chest but I definitely didn't want Mr. Alther to get the wrong idea so I worked on keeping the panic off my face. I used the railing for extra balance as I made way up to the lobby and came to a halt as it seemed that the lobby was only more packed with manly bodies, a few basement girls lingering as well. It was almost suffocating as I uncomfortably brushed aside and neared the wall as the crowd seemed to only move with me, I didn't like this one bit because it was too many people.

However, luckily Mr. Alther naturally gave off a deadly vibe, so most people steered clear of him and moved out of his way as he made his way to me through the middle of the crowd. My eyes widened and I could only pray there wasn't a scary look on my face, I didn't want him to think I was getting cold feet suddenly. He still wore his sunglasses and I just wanted to take them off his face but I easily knew he would refuse to let me if I tried, so I settled with sheepishly smiling in his direction as he looked me up and down openly with his mouth slightly agape.

"Beautiful." He whispered, reaching up and brushing a strand of curly hair out of my face, making me only smile harder as I nibbled on my lip to try and hide it.

I analyzed him over once more and he still looked just as delicious before. "T-Thank you, y-y-you do too." I had finally managed to strangle out of my throat, and it was embarrassing.

I averted my eyes while mentally telling myself how stupid I was, I couldn't believe I had stuttered through an entire sentence, and let's not even get started on the fact that I can't look him in the eye and talk to him, he had that authority over me. I was still mentally beating myself up when I felt a soft brush on my temple, I snapped out of my thoughts as Mr. Alther leaned back from planting a soft kiss on my forehead, and it sent butterflies right into my tummy. I smiled a large cheesy grin as he took my hand and laid it on the inner side of his elbow, I grabbed onto him and part of me never wanted to let him go ever again, he'd have to even take me to the bathroom with him. 

"So beautiful." He softly complimented again, making my heartache just to be held tightly in his arms and it was as if he sensed it and pulled me tightly against his side, and I melted. 

I embraced him tightly and his cologne was so amazing, his scent encased me and I wanted to smell him forever as he maneuvered us so that we were patiently waiting to be released whenever the doors officially unlocked. I realized that Mr. Alther was rather affectionate and I was happy to know I was something he didn't plan on hiding, he was actually proud to have me on his side, it seemed. I looked up and just happened to catch Riley, a red-bowed girl staring at me with a strong sneer, and not to mention the other people that were casually glancing at us repeatedly, it was uncomfortable once more. 

I stayed inside of Mr. Alther's scented embrace as he glanced at his sparkling watch before looking at the doors once more, I was surprised he could actually read the watch with all those encrusted diamonds. I glanced back at Riley as she nudged Kerry, who looked at her with a questioning look before Riley gestured her head to Mr. Alther and I. I couldn't stop the glare that came on my face they started to whisper to each other, I glanced in another direction and made eye contact with Jenny as she openly stared in what appeared to be a trance.

"Everyone's watching." I whispered while nervously nibbling on my lip, they were judging us.

"Let them." Mr. Alther replied stoically while continuing to glance at his watch and look at the door, it was slowly nearing time for us to go.

He again gave me a gentle kiss on the temple that gave me a sexual shiver that had me ready to jump on him right then and there, but I kept my composure as I licked my lips while thinking of his rock hard body above mine, he was so damn fine and I wanted him all to myself. I felt a moist caking below as I bit my lip while fighting the urge to plummet his hand under my dress so he could feel it as well, I was craving for him and I have never craved for a man so much before. 

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