Chapter Two: Alana: I've Missed You So Much, Continued

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I couldn't believe that she had gotten away with choking Truth but it was probably because she had scared Truth enough to not snitch to Ms. Edith or Jewels about it, but that serves Truth right, she can't just sleep with anyone's man. I was glad to know that Truth was a slimy with how she moved, she couldn't be trusted from a mile away when Richard was around and I had to make sure she didn't get too close. I knew Richard wouldn't go there, I at least hope he wouldn't go there with her but I can't be too careless but even Hailey's man cheated with her.

"The bitch deserves it, she really thinks she's better than everyone else but if she really did sleep with Jewels' husband, Jewels' gonna make her life a living hell." Paula said.

"It's already-" Hailey was cut off by a metal bell booming through the basement and many groans followed as it was a bell to signal cooking hours.

I slowly rose to my feet and stretched my back as Paula and Hailey walked ahead of me, I didn't want to walk with anyone else because I didn't want to conversate with anyone, I just wanna work and hopefully see Richard when he came to purchase me for the night. I grabbed one last truffle out of my cardboard rectangular box before securing the lid and storing the box under my pillow. 

I popped the truffle into my mouth and tasted the cherry inside as I chewed, I fought a smile as I fixed my top sheet on my bed before moving toward my station so I could start my prepping while Jewels stood nearby and watched. I noticed she as lingering mostly to the dinner preparation stations and I immediately remembered what Paula had said about Truth and Jewels husband, maybe the accusations are true after all. Almost in a trance, Jewels strutted over to the chalkboard tri-stand beside the table of hefty ingredients, she started jotting down the buffet menu.

Starting with breakfast, she scribbled Sausage and Biscuit, Scrambled Eggs and Potatoes, or Cinnamon Rolls that I would be making considering they're a breakfast dessert. Lunch was choices of Grilled Cheese and Soup or Ham And Cheese Melty Sandwich, and dinner was were things always got complicated because the only choice you had to change was your protein. Today's sides where the choices of Sweet Corn or Cole Slaw with the protein options of Sautéed Steak, Fried Tilapia, or Baked Chicken with dessert as Chocolate Cake, Cheesecake, or Toffee French Macaroons. 

I frowned at the sight of Jewels writing Fried Tilapia before glancing over at Truth, who curled her lip while rolling her eyes before crossing her arms over her chest aggressively. Everyone knew that today wasn't Sunday and that's the only time we ever fried fish but whatever, Jewels is the boss so she can do whatever she want, I just need to make sure the desserts are completed in time for the buffet so I can leave with Richard tonight.

With the menu written down, everyone started to slowly move while I walked to the ingredient table and started picking through the various ingredients there, grabbing items I needed as I spotted them. I found a closed vial of vanilla extract before seconds later finding a plastic bag of flour that no one had opened yet, I picked that up as well and propped it in my arms to take back to my station when I was finished picking over the table for items. 

I grabbed four large eggs before walking back to my station set everything down, I walked carefully so I wouldn't drop anything as the other girls moved rather casually in their own place. This was how the basement always started, everyone would be doing their own thing and not keeping up with time before the girls would realize that they were cutting it close on time and speed up to finish their orders.

I worked skillfully but swiftly because I didn't want to miss the chance of seeing Richard tonight, a privilege Ms. Edith could take away if I was to not do my job correctly. If we so much as didn't put out an order in time, we would get our privilege take away and I couldn't afford to mess up anything because I was determined to see that handsome man I was in love with, I had to see him tonight. I mostly worked off memory but when it came time to start preparing my Toffee French Macaroons, I couldn't remember how to do so and it bugged me drastically. 

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