Who Are You?

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Hawkins Indiana, 1985

Twelve's Pov

It has been a year ever since the Hawkins Lab has been abandoned, I am a twelve year old girl walking through the woods of Hawkins. The cold breeze sends a shiver down my spine, something didn't feel right in these woods. What's my name you ask? I don't know, but I wish I found a new place to live, somewhere where I'm in someone's care, somewhere where it's warm, somewhere where I don't have to sleep on the hard ground every night....Somewhere where I can be loved again... I have been eating animals, no I don't just eat them raw.. I have my powers, powers? Yep! Powers, my hands burst with fire and my eyes turn a red, orange, yellow color, I think it resembles fire, I don't really know. But I like it! I'm still in my hospital gown, and a dried bloody nose that I have never wiped. As I roam the woods followed by the sounds of nature, I come upon a small cabin home next to a lake, I walk up to it and knock on the door, it creaks open slowly. I was about to just walk in, when the door whooshed open and a man with a beer can in his hand, tall, and a beard opens it for me "Damn door! You never lock-" he cuts himself off and looks down at me "Uh, can I help you?" He asked.

"Inside." I said "What?" He said in confusion, and I just stormed passed him. "Hey kiddo, I don't know who you think you are but you can't just walk into other people's house like that!" He exclaimed, I looked around at the place, it was a little small but warm, the Tv was on and there was a door that said "El" on it. I felt something on my shoulder "Hey!" The man exclaimed "Ah!" I screamed being startled by the man's touch. I wiggled out of his grasp and pushed him causing him to fall onto his wore out couch, "You little!-" he was cut off by a girl with short hair by holding her hand up with a bloody nose, "What is that noise?" She asked looking angry, she had brown hair and behind her was a boy with straight black hair and freckles.

"EL, I TOLD YOU! THREE. INCHES!" the man yelled at the girl and she just rolled her eyes and so did the boy, "Don't you roll your eyes at me young lady! Especially you Wheeler!" I looked back and fourth at the two in confusion and seen a small container on the table, it was a brown and on the top it said "Chocolate Pudding!" I walked over to it and opened it "Hey that's mine!" The boy exclaimed about to charge over to me but stopped by the girl.
I dipped my finger into it and tasted it, I saw stars, I ate more and more of it til I licked it out clean, I noticed the three strangers were staring at me like they haven't seen someone eat like this before. I felt embarrassed eating like a pig in front of them, I had the dessert all over my face "El get her a change of clothes." The girl with short brown hair nodded while the boy sat there still in shock, I sat on their couch and it felt soft and my feet were killing me. The man then sat next to me and asked me a few questions "How old are you?" He asked "Twelve, almost thirteen." I responded, then he asked me the question I didn't know "What's your name?" I sat there quietly not responding and ignoring the question and then I asked myself

'What is my name?'

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