Chapter 11

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A/N - Elise meets River in the next chapter and I am so ready!

They ran back to where the Doctor had parked the TARDIS. He unlocked the door. "Testimony accepted. That's what they said. My testimony".

"Don't beat yourself up because you were right. So, what do we do? Is this what we do now? Chase after them?" Amy asked.

"This is what I do. Yeah, and it's dangerous, so you wait here".

"What, so you mean I've got to stay safe down here in the middle of the London Blitz?"

"Safe as it gets around me". The Doctor stepped forward and brushed some hair behind Elise's ear. Her big blue eyes stared at him as he kissed her forehead. "Be a good girl. Do everything Amy tells you. I'll be back before you know it", he told her. He entered the TARDIS and a second later, it disappeared.

"What's he expect us to do now?" Amy asked.

"KBO, of course", Churchill told her.


"Keep buggering on".

"Prime Minister", Breen said, running into the filing room.


"Signal from RDF, sir. Unidentified object. Hanging in the sky, Captain Childers says. We can't get a proper fix, though. It's too far up".

"What do you think, Miss Pond? The Doctor's in trouble and now we know where he is".

"Yeah. Because he'll be on that ship, won't he. Right in the middle of everything", Amy said.


They rushed back to the war room. As they were standing there, all the lights in London started to come on.

"The generators won't switch off. The lights are on all across London, Prime Minister", one of the generals told them.

"Has to be them. It has to be the Daleks", Amy said.

"The Germans can see every inch of the city. We're sitting ducks. Get those lights out before the Germans get here", Churchill ordered, "Thousands will die if we don't get those lights out now".

"German bombers sighted over the Channel, sir. ETA ten minutes, sir", Breen told them.

"Here they come. Get a message to Mister Attlee. War Cabinet meeting at oh three hundred hours. If we're all still here", Churchill said.

"We can't just sit here. We've got to take the fight to the Daleks", Amy told him.

"How? None of our weapons are a match for theirs".

"Oh God, we must have something!"

Elise looked around the war room as her little brain started to formulate a plan. Then it hit her. She tugged on Amy's jacket and pointed to the hallway.

"What? Elise, what is it?" Amy asked her before the small Timelord took off running. "Elise! Where are you going? Your father is going to be very angry with you!" Amy called after her.

Elise ran into Bracewell's lab and found him sitting at his desk with a gun in his hand.

"Bracewell, put the gun down", Churchill told him.

"My life is a lie, and I choose to end it".

"In your own time, Paisley boy, because right now we need your help", Amy told him.

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