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I groan as my best friend, Mia, continuously assaults me with a pillow. "Get up, Aubrey!"

I roll over as she continues to hit me, and I finally give in. "Fine, I'm up." I say under covers.

"Good, because we need to go to the cafe, and we need to hit up the mall." I look up and watch her as she curls her jet black hair, already dressed - and I haven't even gotten out of the bed.

I get up and grab a towel, heading for the shower. Mia and I are dorm mates, so her wake up calls are pretty typical. Shes my own personal alarm clock, and she always gets up hours earlier before I do.

Her birthday is coming up soon, so her parents - who are incredibly rich - sent her some money to go splurge. That seems to be their tactic of getting their daughter out of the way.

After my shower, I quickly get dressed. "Ugh, Aubrey, you're so slow." Mia complains. "I just got the check in and I'm ready to spend it all already."

I chuckle as I quickly apply eyeliner on my eyes. "You're such a spoiled brat."

"You can suck it." She responds and We share a laugh.

After we get ready, we hop into my new Prius that my amazing mother bought me just a few days ago. My mother is literally the best mom anyone could ever ask for. My parents aren't as wealthy as Mia's are, but they make the best out of it.

"I still can't believe you asked for a Prius." Mia says. "I'm getting a Ferrari soon. Then I won't need you." She jokes.

I roll my eyes and start the engine.


"I'll have a grande mocha frappucino with whip." Mia orders.

I eye the menu at the top, not knowing what to get. I didn't usually drink coffee. Im more of a tea person.

"And for you?" I hear a voice ask.

"Um, I'll have a -" my words cut off as my eyes lay on the barista in front of me.

His silver eyes glare into mine, and he has a smirk plastered on his face. I take notice to his dimples, and His hair which is a dark brown and it looks as if he just woke up - effortless. His name tag reads 'Collin'.

"Having trouble ordering?" He speaks as I stare at him.

"N-no, I'll um, have a chai tea." I stutter through my words.

Mia glares at me, and I ignore it as I wait to get my drink. "What was that?" She whispers.

"Since when were Baristas this attractive?" I whisper back.

Mia giggles. "I have to admit, he's pretty nice to look at."

"Here's your frappucino." Collin calls, handing the drink to Mia.

She sips into her drink. "I'll go find us a table."

"You're not too bad yourself." Collin grins, and my eyes widen at his bluntness.

"Excuse me?" I ask in surprise.

"I said you're not too bad yourself. You have pretty eyes." He must have heard Mia and I talking about him. My eyes are hazel, and I don't find them too special.

"Thank you..." I say, almost in a whisper.

A girl with choppy purple hair and snakebite piercings wearing a baristas apron walks over towards us, her name tag reading 'Evelyn'. "Quit making the customers fall in love with you, Collin." She jabs him in the arm. He laughs a deep laugh, his dimples are even more prominent. I notice his teeth are practically perfect.

"Anyways, here's your chai tea. Careful, it's hot." She hands me the tea, glaring at Collin as she says the word hot.

"Oh, don't forget a napkin." Collin reaches his arm out with a napkin in his hand.

"No thank you. I don't need a napkin." I protest.

"Take it."

I give in, grabbing the napkin. I turn to find where Mia's sitting, and I sit across from her. "Flirting with baristas now?" She asks.

"Not really, it's not like we exchanged numbers or anything." I take a sip of my tea.

"This says otherwise..." She holds up the napkin, revealing a number, an address on it and a name that reads 'Collin ;) ' scribbled across.

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