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Lisa family have called Jennie a few times now as she eyes rolled, she put on her lip gloss under her eyes and fix her make up. She ring the doorbell as a maid open it. Jennie sees her mom and dad going down the stair crying.

"I'm sorry.." Jennie apologized as her mom and her dad shake their head. "Its not your fault, I shouldn't trust that boy!" Her dad clenches his fist as Jennie denied. "Jungkook called me last night, he woke up in a middle of the street and has a lot of scar. He didn't go to school today cause of his wound" Her more mom and dad gaps as her mom start to cry.

"Her kidnapper called us and they want our company.." Her dad say angrily as Jennie wipe her tear. "I promised I will found her.." Jennie bravely say as her parent nodded. "We also called the police.." Lisa parent and Jennie then have a conversion.

Jennie have to go as she has other important things as she bowl to them and get out of there, as the door closed, Jennie smirk as she walk down the stare and head inside her car. "You should be an actress, boss" the driver said as Jennie smirk. "That's a good idea, let's go.." Jennie command as they drive off and head home.

Lisa parent have to choice, the police already investigate but they want more. They sigh as they type in a number that only few people know. Someone pick it up as Lisa parent froze, they're afraid of them as they can hear a huh on the called. "Sorry, who are you? How do you know our phone number?" Lisa parent look in each other eyes as they can see each other fear, they in courage them self.

"I'm here, the manoban.." They can hear a loud laugh as they start to panicked. "Ah! Rarely a rich person calling me, what do you want and how much?" The male voice asked as they take a deep breath. "My daughter Lalisa Manoban have been kidnapped and they want our money.." They can hear a gaps as they were confused but also scared, someone seem to take over the phone. "Hey, I'm the other agent, Lalisa Manoban you've said, sir?" The deep voice male turn into a woman as they eyes widen. "You know my daughter?! Help us find her! Please, I begged, I give you everything!" They yelled on the phone as they can heard a long sigh.

"Sir, you don't even know me yet, I'm Park Chaeyoung, I was friend of her but I don't want to tell you about myself then that" They look at each other in shock as they can heard a switched called. "We want a lot, sure we help.." The male voice came back as Lisa mom hold his husband hand as they notice. "We gonna give you 2 billion US dollar, how about that?" Lisa father asked as they can heard a laugh. "Sure sir, let's met at your beautiful mansion.." They decision is made as agree.

"Oh ya, also sir, my name is Kim Namjoon, their leader, nice to know you" They talked more about their suspiciousness around people Lisa know.

Its the next day as Lisa have been woken up by Jungkook. "Lisa, woke up.." Lisa woke up as she sees the clock, it was 5AM in the morning as Lisa were confused. "Huh? Why you woke me up this early?" Lisa asked as she rub her eyes softly. "We're going to train you so don't shower yet.. " Lisa give Jungkook a disgusted look as she enter the bathroom.

"After this I'm going to school and my reputation will be ruin, great!" Lisa hear Jungkook outside as she smirk. "Better be.." She say as she prepare her routine. She then change her clothes into the event she's going as she open the door.

White tank top, black shorts and messy hair have caught her eyes as she look away. Jungkook notice her stare as they look at each other. "Why you look at me like that?" Jungkook asked as Lisa blush and looked away. "No-nothing.." Lisa looked at his hand as the cloth was taking off as Lisa looked at him furious look.

"It didn't heal yet!" Lisa suddenly grumbling as she took Jungkook hand. "Lisa it hurt.." Jungkook answer annoyed tone as they accidentally look at each other eyes, Lisa slowly take off her hand as they both look away. "Let's go!" Jungkook grab her hand as they quickly go to meet Taehyung and Jennie.

"Are you sure you wound alright?" Lisa was still worried as Jungkook nodded. "How am I suppose to know?" Lisa asked again as it annoyed Jungkook. "Lisa, why are you so caring?" Jungkook then stop as they face each other eyes Jungkook face was kinda close to Lisa as Lisa blush slightly.

Taehyung, Jennie and a man come from somewhere as they notice them, all of them stop, Jennie cross her arm and smirk. "Seem like we ruin your moment.." Lisa and Jungkook both look at Jennie as they get into their position. "Jennie, what the fuck?" Jungkook huff under his breath as Lisa blush and looking away.

Jennie, Taehyung and a blonde male laugh as Taehyung stops. "I know its early and we hated it but, I have to for Lisa.." Taehyung lips smack as the gut walk into the center. "I'm Park Jimin, and I'll be training Lisa here.." He introduce as they all nodded. "Better get going.." Jennie say as they all followed the queen bee of the house to the gym upstairs.

Lisa was behind Taehyung and Jimin as she heard some conversation. "Who is she?" Jimin asked Taehyung as he glaze at Lisa. "Our hostage, great to do this again" Taehyung casually sy as Jimin giggle. "Are you gonna fuck her or anything?" Jimin asked as they both giggling, Lisa was uncomfortable as she looked away and hold her tear. Jungkook notice she was wrong as he grab her hand.

Lisa confusedly and shyly looked at Jungkook as he nodded, he hold the hand tight as Lisa blushes. "It did not meant anything.." Jungkook whisper as Lisa sigh.

They have arrive. "So I'm not into working out, I only trained other things and let's just start!" Jimin say to Lisa as she just nodded and followed him.

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