#2# a peculiar dinner

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Night was falling when Miss Peregrine, the Apiston twins, and Fiona Frauenfeld disembarked the ferry.

As they walked along the docks, They heard exited yells. Along the road that lead to the docks, sat a horse and cart, with three figures seated in it. A girl, around the same age as the twins and Fiona, with blonde curly hair that reached the middle of her back. Another girl sat next to her, this one younger, about ten years old. She had a round face, with brown hair that framed it, softening her slightly harsh features. Clinging to the brown haired girls arm, sat a small child, who could be no older than five years old. Her mousy brown hair flowed gently down her back, a few waves curling over her shoulders. When she saw Miss Peregrine, her face lit up, and she grinned, revealing her missing tooth.

"Miss Bloom. What on earth are you doing?" Miss Peregrine gasped when they reached the cart.

The blonde girl looked at the Ymbryne sheepishly, and smiled slightly.

"Miss Peregrine, I just thought it would be nice if you didn't have to walk through the bog. " The girl told her carer, before turning to Adelaide, Hugh and Fiona.

"Me names Emma Bloom." She grinned and shoved her hand in front of her.

Adelaide smiled back and shook her hand eagerly.

"I'm Adelaide Apiston. This is my twin brother Hugh, and this is Fiona Frauenfeld." She introduced herself, before turning to the other two girls in the cart.

The youngest one stood up, and frowned at Hugh and Fiona. "Why don't you two speak?"

Hugh chuckled slightly. "I do speak. Adelaide just doesn't stop speaking. As for Fiona, she doesn't speak to anyone but me and Addie."

"Oh. I'm Olive by the way." The girl grinned again, before sitting back down.

"Children, jump into the cart. Miss Bloom and Miss Bruntley will take you to the house, as I have a few errands I must attend to. Miss Bloom, don't introduce them to the other children, that can wait till dinner, although do find Mr Nullings and ask him to 1, show Me Apiston to his room, and 2, put on some clothes for the meal." Miss Peregrine ordered, before turning on her heal, and walking away.


"I'll take it your Miss Bruntley?" Hugh asked the ten year old girl, that had not yet introduced herself.

She smiled and nodded. "Bronwyn Brutley."

Hugh looked like he was about to say something, when Adelaide started having a coughing fit, causing bees to start flying around her head.

The girl recovered from it, and quickly sucked all the bees back into her mouth, before turning to see Emma, Bronwyn and Olive looking at her.

"What." The girl asked the group, confused.

No one answered, until little Olive spoke up. "Why did you swallow the bees?"

Hugh and Adelaide slowly exchanged glances before bursting with laughter. Fiona giggled quietly, while the three girls frowned.

"It's our peculiarity." Hugh explained, after recovering from the laughing fit.

"What's your peculiarity?" Emma demand, still confused.

"We have bees living inside of us." Adelaide told them, rather bluntly, causing them to fall silent.


Adelaide's POV


"Look. There's the house!" Olive cried in excitement. I looked to where she had pointed, and gasped in awe. The giant house stood before us, the red brick glowing in the setting sun. Emma steered the cart towards the house, stopping a few metres from the front porch.

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