Chapter 20

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After we got done making love I put a pair of my favorite pjs and he put on his pjs on.. We ate and planned how we wanted to get married.. We decided to get Captain Hicks to marry us and have a small ceremony and reception.. I didn't want anything to big or over the top expensive.. I'm just a simple southern girl from Houston TX and I was raised to love the simple things in life.. We had it all planned out and I was going to call my family and let them know that we are getting married in a few days.
Afterwards we were just laying on the couch and watching TV and talking about everything and anything.. When my phone started to go off like crazy..
"Hey ma, what's going on??" I signed, seeing the look on her face worried me..
She was signing away fast, so I knew that something was wrong..
"Ma, Ma where's pop at?? " I say and sign..
"Hey kiddo it's Ollie he's sick and in the hospital.. " my pop says
"oh no no no no not Ollie!!" I say and I just started to cry uncontrollably.. Man these pregnancy hormones are no joke 😂..
My ma signed to me how was my concussion and face feeling, I signed to her I was feeling fine..
Then Hondo being the greatest boyfriend ever signed and said that we were going to be there by this time tomorrow and we have some time to spend with my family.. I was so happy and grateful for this sweet and beautiful man..
Ollie was so sick with his parkasions disease and it caused him to get sick alot.. He is not only one of my big brothers but he is also one of my best friends.. Me and him had our own type of language and way of communicating with each other..
"Tell him that I love him so much " I say to my parents..
After we hung up I hugged him and said "thank u so much babe for everything.. I love u to the moon and back again and again.. "
"aww my beautiful angel girl I love u so damn much too and u don't have to thank me sweet girl, we are in this together forever and always.. Now we need to get our flight booked and get packed and ready to go to the airport..
We got our flight taken care of all right.. I don't know how my man did it but he got us a private plane for just the two of us..
And I got my friend Molly to take care of Tully and Bruno for us while we were gone and she said that she would be happy to let the boys stay with her and her husband.. 😂 that's because they spoil the boys rotten and I don't really mind it..

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