Tuseday Night

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Welcome, to The Factory of Sound. A small, independent radio station off the cost of Wales that had recently been promoted to the radio station for the surrounding area. The staff come in small numbers but they're as close as family. Rob was their founder and leader, a short, chubby man. He was hardworking, clever, short tempered and witty. He kept things under control.
Bec and Todd did the podcast, they just spoke on the radio, trying to keep people entertained. Todd looked a little like a Jewish Brad Pitt, just younger, and hairier. Bec had long blonde hair and bright blue eyes, the model type. Young men had her pictures on their wall, she was stunning.
Katie did the administration, she'd pick up the phone, keep track of schedule, that sort of thing. She was quite important in that perspective, not much got done without her. She was a sweet and innocent young woman. Modest, kind, well liked and much loved.
Annalise was the editor, she'd cut between audio. When it was time for the podcast she'd go live to the studio, when that was done, she'd roll the advertisements, music then followed and so on. She was a bit of a control freak, she wore large glasses and headgear. A hopeless romantic, slightly obsessive, socially awkward. But dedicated to her job.
Chris was the DJ, he created the music playlist. He decided what songs would go in and when. he'd cut them too so they met society's standards. He'd research into what was popular at the moment, his job was surprisingly time consuming. Messy dark brown hair, shaved, young face. A teen heart throb in the flesh. It's too bad everything he does goes on behind the scenes. He was sweet, intelligent, passionate, creative, loveable.
That was the crew, at the Factory of Sound.

"Who stole my coffee cup!" Came a yell from down the hallway. "Whoever stole my coffee cup, your mum's a hoe!" Rob stomped down the corridor into the general area, this is where staff would hang out on their break, have a cup of tea, watch a little television, read a magazine or just have a chat. Todd sat with one leg crossed over the other, reading the newspaper and looking quite disgusted. "I know you've got my coffee cup." He said softly. "If you don't hand it over, I will pump you."
"Shh, hey can you shut up a second." Todd replied, holding one finger out to shush him. "I'm trying to read." Rob began to look very frustrated. "Look at this! This is on the front page of the paper." Todd closed the newspaper to show Rob the front page. "Local Women Make Quilt." He said angrily.
"I don't care about the quilt Todd, where's my cup!"
"What the hell! A freaking quilt! My mama could print better news than this and she died in 2002!" He threw the paper on the ground and stormed out of the room. Rob followed,
"Hold on, listen here mate. We need to have a chat!"
"Just shut up for a minute, okay? I know where your mug is!"
"Damn straight you do, you're always taking my things!"
"I am not!" He argued. "It was probably monkey boy."
"Monkey boy." Todd pointed at Chis from across the room, listening to something through headphones.
"Monkey boy? Why are you calling him that!"
"Cause he's small and funny-looking."
Chris took of his headphones and looked at them both confused. "I'm sorry, what?"
"Like, not because he looks ugly, because monkeys aren't ugly, but sometimes I look at him and I laugh, ha ha ha."
Rob sighed and sat down on one of the kitchen stools. "Todd, where is my cup."
"Right here!" He said elated. "I'm keeping my friend John in it, say hello John." Rob looked inside the cup to see a dead goldfish floating at the surface. In shock, he dropped the cup and it smashed onto the floor. They both stared at the mess in disgust.
"You broke my favourite coffee cup!"
"You killed my John!"
"Wh- that fish was already dead!"
"And you broke your own cup, you silly little poof! Don't blame me for things I didn't do, just like you blame me for everything else!"
Annalise ran into the room. "Oh my golly you guys! I head a big crash, is everyone alright?"
"John isn't." Todd said cruelly
Rob groaned angrily. "Todd, just go home. You're tired, it's late, I think you've been drinking."
"Yeah, cmon Todd, I'll walk you to your car." Annalise took Todd's arm.
"Unhand me monkey woman!"
"Excuse me?"
"Ugh, he's calling everyone monkey now, take no notice of it." Rob said as he walked over to Todd, grabbed him by the back of his shirt and tried to push him out the door. Eventually, they got rid of him. Chris had gone back to listening to something a while ago, he looked completely engrossed in whatever it was. While Rob tried to catch his breath, Annalise made her way over and took the seat beside him. She cleared her throat and thought for a second on how to approach him.
"Hello sexy." She said confidently. Chris just smiled uncomfortably at her and went back to what he was doing. She slid her right hand onto his leg and leaned in close, she whispered in his ear. "What are you listening to?" He rested the headphones around his neck.
"Tonight's podcast."
"Oh yeah, that." She said seductively "Didn't they have to squeeze a wedding ring out of a dog?"
"They did didn't they." Rob replied, still surprised about the story. "I knew I wasn't just hearing things."
"You know, if you ever swallowed a wedding ring, Chris. I'd squeeze it out for you." She said as her hand moved from on his leg into his lap. Chris quickly shut his laptop and put into into his backpack before jumping out of the seat. "Well, I think I'll be going home. Have a good night you guys." He said nervously, before heading for the door. He plugged the headphone jack into his phone and began playing music. As he reached for the door handle, Annalise got up and headed towards him.
"It's cold outside, let me give you a lift home."
"No! I mean, that's okay, I can walk." Chris opened the door to find Todd asleep outside. Shocked and confused, Chris stepped over his body, swung the bag onto his back and left the building.
"If you don't get up off the floor, I'm leaving you here tonight." Rob told Todd's sleeping body. As he failed to wake up, Rob and the others left the station and left Todd on the inside.

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