The making of Cas' voicemail

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A/N: Before I forget, thank you so much to @kinda-emo-sometimes for voting! You made my day :)

I felt like reflecting myself in this story today. Nobody has to read this; this is packed with the stupidest Gen-z humour.

However, there is no need to worry; I have a good old heart-warming story planned for tomorrow.

This is me with all of my problems," Dean announced in the middle of breakfast as he picked up a fork.

"You're holding a fork."

Dean, not breaking eye-contact with Cas, tried to scoop the milk with the fork.

"What does this mean?" Cas asked, concerned that Dean's insecurities were gradually becoming a source of humour. That morning, Cas told him that people who slept more had a higher chance of dying earlier.

"Then let me die, it's the least you can do," was his reply.

Sam, who had just come down to grab a bite to eat before heading to the store, greeted Cas and Dean as they sat together awkwardly.

The three, as they were used to, sat barely five minutes in silence before Cas asked a question that had been pestering him for quite a while.

"Dean, I don't understand the purpose of a pick-up line."

Taken aback by the sudden question, Sam looked up from eating, a grin fighting its way to reveal itself.

"It' know, to get someone's attention. Pick 'em up. Get laid. Why?"

"Is 'fuck me sideways and call me straight' also a pickup line?"

"Where did you hear that?" Dean questioned, clearly puzzled.

"Gabriel said it to Sam."

At this, Sam immediately rose from the table, attempting to mind his own business at the kitchen as Dean mumbled under his breath.

"Fucking stupid moose..."

Sam, who had hurriedly come up with a reason to escape, did so, leaving Dean attempting to keep back a smirk, and Cas perplexed as ever.

"Cas? Cas!" He yelled, clicking his fingers in front of the angel who seemed to take more interest in the other escaping Winchester. "You need to make a voicemail for your phone. Sam and I decided that you can have one of ours, but we need to know which one we are calling, so..." he trailed off, pressing buttons on the screen.


"Wait- shh, when it beeps, say your name," he said, moving the chair to sit next to Cas.

Almost unexpectedly, the phone beeped, leaving Cas confused and slightly stuttering.

"I don't understand...why do you want me to say my name?" The phone beeped again, signalling that ended the short time to say one's name.

"Damnit, Cas, it's a voicemail"

"What's a voicemail?"

"A mail you make with your voice. Now, I just need to delete this..." and as if he asked, a robotic voice from the phone notified them that the name was saved.

"Oh, look what you've done! I have no idea how to create a new one."

"Why-why must I make a mail with my voice?"

"It's to leave a message to people who called you when you didn't pick up."

"But I don't know how to use a phone Dean..."

"Don't worry, I'll show you the basics," he said as he explained how to make a call and text someone.

"See, here, it says my name, and by clicking that, you call me... Oh yeah, if I call you, please press the green button."

Cas sat and listened to Dean, trying to take everything in.

At that moment, Sam came back down, still eating, and very slowly sat back down on the table.

"I heard you guys having trouble with the voicemail..." He said without interrupting the peace between Dean and Cas.

"I don't care about it now"

"You want to keep it that way? I thought you just said you had no idea how to create a new one?"

"Look Sammy. This is my 'I don't care' face."

"Dean, that's your normal face..." Cas said.

"Look, guys..." Dean attempted.

Sam and Cas looked at him expectantly.

"Okay, fine. We will fix Cas' voicemail, but before we do anything, let's just clean up the table," he said, getting up.

"You like Cas' voicemail, don't you?" Sam said, following him to the kitchen.

"It's hilarious, Sam," he smiled as Sam rolled his eyes.

"Be mature for once in your life."

"I resent the implication that I am alive."

"You are alive."

"Only on the outside," he said as Cas came in, looking concerned yet again.

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