What's a manicure?

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"Hello, Dean."

The exclamation that had come from Dean's mouth was one of pure fright, as he had just been woken from a sound sleep.

"What were you doing?" asked he, flattening his clothes and getting out of bed.

"I watched you for a while."

"You watch over me in my sleep now or something?"

"Only when I need to ask you something and you're sleeping."

"So you have a question?" Dean exited the room, attempting to fix his hair as Cas followed.

"What's a manicure and pedicure?"

"Would you like to get one?" Dean turned to look at him with glee, almost bumping into Sam, who seemed to be immersed in a small list in his hands until this moment.

"What the hell, Dean? A manicure for Cas?"

"He was the one who asked for it." Dean had his arms up in surrender.

Cas blinked. "What did I ask for?"

"Cas, a manicure is where you get your nails done," Sam answered before interuption.

Cas looked down at his hand.

"Ah, now those," Dean said, pointing at his nails; "need to be cut."

"I've got nail cutters in that brown bag if you need. I'm just going to go to the store," Sam looked down at his list again."

"Okay, What'cha gonna buy?"

"Sunflower seeds, and--"

"You gonna grow sunflowers?" Dean looked at Sam, amusment plastered on all his features.

"No Dean!" Sam's countenance was the epitome of sass; "the edible seeds you find in packets in the health food section."

Dean nodded slowly, lack of comprehension evident in his eyes.

Sam left, playfully punched on the way out by Dean.

"Alright, Cas. We gotta find you that brown bag Sam was talking about..."

Dean, who originally came down to eat breakfast, had completely forgotten his initial purpose of coming down the stairs and went back up them to the bathroom.

"I realised my nails had grown in length when Gabriel pointed them out," Cas tried to explain himself.

"Gabriel pointed them out, eh?"

"Everything in this human body needs to be taken care of."

"I know, you don't even get the full blow of it either." Dean replied as he thought about all the necessities he had to oblige to that Cas did not. "Okay, Cas... how much toothpaste do you use?"

Cas looked at Dean, who was crouching down, holding the toothpaste in one hand while still looking for the brown bag that Sam spoke of.

"We are running out so fast," he added. "I hope Sam's got that on his list."

"How much are you meant to put on, Dean?"

"Toothpaste?" Dean straightented his back, looking at him in slight confusion. "A squirt the size of a pea."

Cas' eyes bespoke enlightenment.

"Oh," remarked Dean; "you put way more on, don't you?"

Cas looked away.

"Size of a pea, Cas! That's all you need. Alright, help me find this son of a bitch."

"The nail cutter?"

"Yes, princess, and don't scratch me while you're at it."

"Is it that, Dean?" Cas crouched right next to him, both intensely searching for the small tool.

"Those are tweezers, don't ask me why Sam has them."

"Oh, is it that one over there?"


The pair seated themselves on the side of the bathtub, Dean taking Cas' hand and directing him the entire process.

"Nails go everywhere, Cas, so I cut them into the bin. It might be weird if Sam's put a banana peel in it or something, but it saves lives in the long run."

"Saves lives?" Cas asked as he faced Dean to make his position more comfortable.

"It's not as bad as stepping on a lego piece apparently, but I've never had lego, so I don't know why it matters to me," he finished sarcastically.

"Alright, I can't shape nails or any of that crap, but you just twist the cutter this way and the rest is like using scissors. Now, it won't hurt, Cas--"

"I've been stabbed almost to death, Dean, I would be able to handle it even if it did hurt."

"Alright, but humour me, okay?" Dean said, cutting the nail of Cas' pinky finger.

"That seemed easy."

"It is, look at that now!" Dean exclaimed, holding the finger up to their faces. He pulled Cas' other hand to show him the comparison. "After you start using it, you'll feel how much easier life is."

They continued almost in the same manner until the reached the last finger on the other hand. Only after completing two fingers did Dean build the courage to give Cas a turn.

"And now, Cas?"


"We're done!" Dean said. "High five!"

Dean put his hand in air to be presented with a perplexed expression. Cas, unable to think of what the purpose of a high five could be, hesitantly took Dean's hand in his and squeezed it.

"Cas, a high five is meant to--, " he attempted to explain, "Actually, nevermind."

Dean opened his palm to examine his work on Cas' nails.

"This is pretty decent. I haven't cut someone's else's nails since Sammy learned how to cut his."

"That was a few decades ago, Dean"

"Well my skill hasn't left me," he smiled, feeling Cas' fingers involuntarily.

"Alright, go wash your hands," Dean ordered as he too got up put the nail cutter away.

It was not until Dean looked into the mirror did he see Sam leaning against the doorway, holding his sunflower seeds, smiling.

"Son of a bitch!"


"Hey guys!"

"How long have you been there for?"

"That was really cute, Dean"

"What is it with people watching me do things!"

"Okay what?"

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