Sleeping is difficult

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"Oh, no no no no no no no, Cas," Dean muttered as he caught Cas mid-fall upon entering the bunker.


"No, you need to shut up. I'm gonna get you cleaned up."

"No, Dean-"


"I'm fine!" Cas coughed up a small amount of blood into the palm of his hand, and looked up at Dean.

"Oh yes, I believe you, now," Dean said, as he led Cas to his bedroom.

"It's so-" Cas coughed, making Dean even more flustered in his actions. "-So difficult being a human."

"Ah, yes, tell me about it." Dean dampened the cloth, and squatted in front of Cas. "I told you, you idiot. I told you that I would be the better one to go. You didn't listen. Heck, you never fucking listen."

"I thought-"

"No, Cas, shut up. It's like you weren't even trying to be careful. You're important to me, you piece of shit. Have you seen the number of scars on your face?"


"Right. Then listen, for goddamn's sake."

"Sorry, Dean."

"I swear you've apologised like a thousand times so far."


"Say sorry one more time and I'll shove this cloth down your throat."


"That's it. Does it burn?"

"A little."

"Good, that's how it should be. First day of being a human and look what you've got yourself into."

Cas looked up at Dean as he stood up, watching his every move. Dean kept the cloth under the water for a long time, allowing the blood run down the drain.

"Dean, can I eat something?"

"Ah, that's a first," he chuckled, spinning around with a grin plastered on his face. "What would his majesty prefer?"


"Well, you're in luck," Dean remarked, picking up a bag from a nearby table and looking inside. "Burgers are the only thing we've got. Oh, but there is the one with more greens, leave that for Sam."

"What? Called me?" Sam piped, entering the bedroom with a laptop in his hand.

"Dinner?" Dean asked.

He laid the laptop on the bedside table, and dropped on the bed next to Cas, using a nearby chair as a footrest.

"I suppose it wasn't as successful as you planned it out to be?" Sam smiled.

Cas shook his head. "I didn't want Dean to go."

"I've had experience in these things, Cas," Dean said, putting the bag between Cas and Sam and unwrapping his burger. "I still think letting you go was the stupidest desicion of my life."

Sam gave him a daring look as Dean pushed his foot off the chair.

The three didn't spend long eating dinner. It was barely five minutes later when Dean looked up at Cas, as if he had just remembered something.

"Cas, you need to try pie."

"Oh god," Sam mused.

"That's your favourite dessert, isn't it Dean?"

"Yeah, sure as heck it it," he said a he slapped the side of his chair, looking up at the kitchen.

"I'm gonna go get the pie."

Sam and Cas watched patiently as Dean waked off toward the fridge. "Sammy did you put the pie in here?" Dean yelled from two rooms away.

"Yes, Dean. It's in the air-tight container so it doesn't go mouldy like all your other food!" Sam yelled back.

Cas looked at Dean, smiling distantly, almost to himself, when Sam put a hand on his shoulder to get his attention.

"Cas, you have to trust Dean- about going out there when you don't have your grace. He can sometimes be a little harsh, but he means well." Sam told him softly. "You mean so much to him Cas, you have no idea."

Cas nodded, smiling at the floor.

"Promise me you'll be careful, Cas. Because if you land up hurt in any way, Dean will be worried out of his mind."

"I promise."

Sam pat him on the back, smiling awkwardly. "You know, Cas," he said, getting up. "You're one of the few people Dean will protect like his life depended on it. He'll take care of you- I mean, since you're human."

Cas nodded in agreement, fighting back another smile. Dean, after rummaging through the fridge and cupboard, found the pie he had been searching for.

"Hell yeah," he said as he entered the bedroom again. "Cas, get ready to have your mind blown."

After Cas agreed that pie was, indeed, a fantastic dessert for the eighth time that night, Sam bid the two goodnight and left to his bedroom. Dean tiredly showed Cas that his room would be right next to Dean's, and if he needed anything, he can knock once and enter.

"Thank you, Dean"

"Yeah, that's fine, goodnight."

Cas took barely a few minutes before falling asleep, but had trouble staying that way. Several times that night he had woken up, gasping and sweating. Once, he woke up confident that Dean Winchester was dead, and found tears on his face, though not remembering anything of that sort. It was a gut-wrentching feeling, and the flashbacks came back to him, making him bite his nails and shiver ever so slightly.

Cas did not want to wake Dean, but his fear drove him tentatively out of bed, wanting to go to Dean's room. The door was open, and Cas walked up to his bed, finding Dean already awake.

"What's wrong, Cas?" he whispered.

"I think I had nightmares, Dean."

Dean nodded understandingly and moved over, patting the other side of the bed.

"Thank you," he said, curling up next to Dean. In response, Dean smiled, and pat his arm. The two layed together silently for not very long until they were both asleep.

By the time morning rolled around lazily, painting the sky with baby blue, the bunker smelt of pancakes. Sam, who had bought ready-made pancake mixture to celebrate Cas' 'humanisation,' was also yelling at the two for getting up late aside from almost burning the breakfast.

Sam was slightly taken aback when he saw Dean and Cas fighting over the blankets in the same bed at seven in the morning. The sight was entertaining, he didn't deny: Dean complaining that all the blankets were stolen from him, and Cas deciding that the best solution was to splay on top of him, all bundled up. Sam smiled at the thought.

"Mornin' Cas," Dean smiled.

"No." Cas pushed Dean off the bed and curled himself into a ball.

"Cas, do you remember elbowing me in the freaking ribs while sleeping?!"

"No?" he said softly, peeking out from under his pile of blankets.

"Oh, well you're in for it," he said, pulling Cas out of bed so he could neaten the place up before suspicions arise.

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