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August pov

I couldn't do it. I just couldn't. Last night I was able to take her into a whole different world but I couldn't keep her there. Having every chance to finally bed this girl, I just wasn't able to do it. We were laying there and I found myself on top of her and then it hit me. This isn't how I want this to happen. Not here, not in this hotel, and not with Nelly down the hall. I messed up so many times with both of them that I wanted to make sure this time everything was right. I knew eventually I was gonna have to hurt one of them but it was a risk I was willing to take. So, I stopped. Remembering the look on Lonnie's face, she was confused. After deciding to end it, I explained to her that she didn't do anything wrong. I just wanted to hold her instead.

With her in my arms for the rest of the night, we talked, laughed and I even sung to her until she fell a sleep. I did contemplate leaving but stayed. It just felt right to stay honestly. Nelly only came to mind when I woke up this morning, however she still wasn't enough to make me get up. Instead I watched as Lonnie layed on my bare chest, as she breathes so softly. The feeling of belonging was evident between us.

She shifted slightly, as I began rubbing her hair. Gorgeous, beautiful, or even sexy aren't strong enough adjectives to describe what I see when looking at her. This woman right here... she's something I'm not use to.

"August?" She groaned her sleep. I wasn't sure if she dreaming or really calling out for me.

"Yes baby? I'm here." I spoke gently.

"Don't...leave...me." She said between yawns. She clinched to my body tighter.

"Never." I said in almost a whisper before kissing her forehead. This is a recipe for a family. I can envision us through all stages of life together. Right now I wouldn't even mind introducing her to my nieces, which I have never done before with any woman. That's why I have to be very certain that Lonnie is who I need because I can't just have anybody around my nieces, they are really the only family I got left outside of my mom.

Saving myself from the pressure of thinking too much, I layed my head back down, starting to drift off. I knew eventually we was gonna have to get up and face everybody else but honestly it can wait...

Lonnie pov

*3hrs and 12 minutes later

I wish I could relive last night and this morning over and over again. I hated the fact it had to end and so soon. August and I both agreed that we shouldn't tell no one about what happened then he gave me another kiss before leaving out to get ready for the day. I should've asked him if he was gonna start sleeping in the room with me but I thought it would be off putting and premature. The whole time I was telling myself to not give my hopes up because as long as Nelly is here, there will be awkwardness, envy, and even competition, though I don't wanna feel like I'm competing for him.

The way he held me last night, I truly didn't want him to let go. I can't get the events out of my mind either. That's also why it's infuriating to know that Nelly is just down the hall. From his room he has to pick between left or right, and I hope he picks left every time.

"Hey Anna Mae." I answered the phone. Knowing I haven't really been filling my best friend in with all the details of everything that's been going on, I kinda felt a little guilty. But I essentially did it for her own good. Not wanting her to stress since she already has a high pregnancy, I just kept some stuff to myself.

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