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"Huh!!??" I shot him the deadliest look. If my eyes were a knife, I would've sliced his neck in this very moment....He just stood there with his head down. Typical. Can't even look me in my eye. "Man just go back to your family and leave me be." I said shaking my head looking back at the Vodka bottle. 

"Lonnie..." He said barely above a whisper. I could hear slight regret in his voice. "If I could have you both..."

"What the fuck!!" I slammed my hand onto the kitchen island. "What the fuck!! What the fuck!!" it was like I was more so possessed with anger. I repeatedly slammed my hands as I felt my body temperature rise. Repeating the same phrase over and over. I desperately wanted to stop but my body was consumed, until his arms snatched me up from the chair and into his tight grip.

"Lonnie please!" He shook me slightly, then nestled me into a firm grasp, more so a hug. "Baby please stop." I was lost in all the heavy breathing I was doing. "Baby please." He said again this time loosening his grip. I began to calm down slowly but surely. I still felt like the slightest thing will set me off.

"Have....us....both...." Between each word, I breathed hard. Feeling my adrenaline decrease as I thought of Nelly's face. "You fine and all but one selfish motherfucker." I looked at him slightly before turning my back.

"Lonnie, listen....I know that I owe you an apology for blindsiding you like that. And from the bottom of my heart I hope that you forgive me." I could feel the intensity in the room. "Nah August." I faced him once again. "You don't owe me anything, but my money." looking up at the ceiling I said, "As far as you and my sister go, I wish y'all well." Thinking about what I just said I knew I was lying to myself and I felt the spirit of Logan. My stance became aggressive again, to match my tone I stood up straight. "Nah, fuck that! I don't wish anything good for y'all. You and her both deserve each other, with the lying and betrayal. Every dumb bitch need a bitch nigga to match. So you and her have that ugly ass baby but don't expect me to be around any of y'all! Now well you kindly get the fuck out my face before I get physical!" I only spoke with venom hoping to destroy any chance of relief he thought he had with me.

"Lonnie you don't mean that."

"Nigga who are you to tell me what I mean! I was LITERALLY EMBARRASSED TODAY! And you didn't even have the courage to just keep it real with me. I don't have room in my heart for you. At the end of the day that's my sister.......even though I don't want to, I know Ima see her again but you..." I started to shake my head and wave my hands as a sign that I give up, "You are nothing more to me than a singer that I don't listen to."


"No...no August. I don't even want to continue another second of this conversation. Can you please just leave me alone. You fooled me once and I gave you another chance but only for me to end up looking like the dummy."

***5 AM The next morning***

August Pov

"Where you been?" Nellys raspy voice traveled from the sleeping position she was in. I didn't feel the need to speak instead I just took my shirt off and threw it in the chair next to the bed. I heard her shuffle in the bed as I started to unbuckle my pants. "August! You don't hear me!" 

"Yeah." I said plainly. "Why you aint answer my question?" She asked. I turned to face her sitting on the edge of the bed.  "Because you never answered mine." I looked through her soulless eyes with disgust. She immediately regretted her decision to question me. Her eyes hit the ground, "I told you I was sorry." She said. "I was just..I was just-" I cut her off. 

"YOU WAS WHAT!! WHAT NELLY!" The bass in my voice startled her, putting fear in her. "But Au-" I interrupted her whimper again. "August what! Huh?.. Cause why would you do that. Tweeting shit that we don't know for sure. That shit all over the shade room, got my mama calling asking me questions and cursing me out because the world found out before her."

She raised up to face me with tears falling down her face. "You saw the pregnancy test results yourself. All five of them you made me take." She said threw her sniffles. "And yeah..yeah I was wrong for posting it before telling our family but be honest, that's not the reason you made." I furrowed my eyebrows. 'This bitch' I thought to myself. "You mad she found out." As those words left Nellys mouth, referring to Lonnie, my posture eased. The guilt made its way up my spine. "Lonnie." slowly and quietly escaped my lips. All I could see was her face the first day I met her and how nervous she was. 

"August Im gonna have this baby whether you like it or not." When Nelly slammed those words in my face out of nowhere, I lifted my head slightly from the ground to meet her gaze. I watch the fear return in her eyes, still she carried no soul. I stepped close to her to where there was only an inch of space between us. I took a moment to look at her fully. She had on a white sheer night gown, hair rolled up in pink and turquoise curl rollers. I placed my hand gently on her neck and I could feel her falling in love with the comfort I was starting to provide but before she got contempt I whispered in her. "I would never make you get rid of the baby..." I pulled her closer while leaning into her neck as if I was gonna start kissing her. "But I want a DNA test." I let her go abruptly and she fell back onto the bed eyes wide open. "Im sleep on the couch." I said. 

"You aint shit!!" She yelled to my back. "And you just like me." I said shutting the door behind me." I know I shouldn't be so cold but she knew the conversation we had. After seeing the results, I told her that she needs to go to the doctor first and lets be sure before telling anyone. Shit it may not even be mine, its not like me and her have the best and most loyal history either. We literally just started back messing around. And maybe majority of my anger came from her not respecting the fact I wanted to tell Lonnie myself. But what she do instead, this bitch go tell the world knowing that was gonna fuck up my chances of fixing things with Lonnie. 

But Lonnie....Man...I should've never told her I wanted both her and Nelly but I was being completely honest. I care about Nelly deeply and will never hurt her but my spirit longs for Lonnie. Im just conflicted. And if this girl really having my baby then what that means for me and Lonnie. Ima love my child regardless but either way I don't wanna be with Nelly but knowing the type of woman she is, she may try to keep my child away from me. But one things for sure I gotta make sure no other nigga try to mess with either of them especially Lonnie........


Authors note: Hey y'all I just wanna say I saw everybody's comment on the last one, not gonna lie I haven't been on here in awhile lol but I just wanted y'all to know I appreciate each and every one of you and I spent the whole day working on this chapter just to give y'all what y'all been waiting on. Ima give y'all another update tomorrow (Dec 11 2021) and that one will be more eventful. SHOUTOUT to itsyahhgirljay !!!!! Seeing your comments been cracking me up lol. Y'all stay safe and much love 

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