Chapter three

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Queen Amora walks through her palace her eyes almost bulging out of her head with frustration

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Queen Amora walks through her palace her eyes almost bulging out of her head with frustration. As her brown hair bounces off her shoulders
"The kingdom is now supplied with five thousand hemia roses , four thousand Jack lilies , six thousand astro daffodils and..."
"Thank you Kora I'm rather satisfied with the outcome but for now I'd much rather be alone thank you." Amora interrupts as she rolls her blue eyes in frustration.

The awkward hand maiden stands in the corridor unsure where to look as Queen Amora leaves the girls standing there unsure where to go however Amora didn't care due to her selfish nature.
As usual Amora was overwhelmed as the queen storms to her bed chambers as her heels clatter against the marbled flooring.
Her blue orbs fixate on the large golden heavy doors leading to her bedroom. Keeping her eyes to the front with determination and frustration reaches her hand in front of her as energy swirls around her hand causing the door to swing open with her powers.

She instantly storms Inside swinging her hand making the door automatically shut as she lets out a sigh of relief finally being alone with her emotions. Sitting on her bed she glances at the giant colossal painting covering half of the wall of the royal bedroom.
A painting of Amora and Mandarin carrying their first born daughter in their arms.
Amora's heart instantly aches staring at the painting of her precious baby.

Standing up she approaches the painting placing her hand upon the picture of her daughter. She closes her eyes remembering then pain she felt when she lost Emerson. She never got to see her daughter grow up she never got to see what kind of personality she had and that would hurt her until the day she died.
Tears form in her eyes when the doors of her room suddenly opened as she was able to instantly recognise the presence.

"Was that hand maiden stressing you out again?" Amora's husband calls out from the door as Amora let's out a gasp of frustration while keeping her palms on the painting.
"Please Mandarin. Not now I beg of you"
Her husband instantly rushes to her side in an instant as his royal orbs stare upon the painting of his daughter alongside her.

"She would have been beautiful and strong just like her sister and mother." He simply says with a sad smile on his lips
"If I could do anything in my power to bring her back to me I would" Amora sobs unable to keep the tears in any longer as Mandarin wraps his large arms around her as the two embrace.

After gaining a moment to herself Amora straightens up as she leaves her room and walks through the corridors of her kingdom keeping it together very well.

Princess Anyaval guides me and Lela back to the kingdom as the guards keep and eye on us.
"You know I don't see why we have to walk when we could fly." Anyaval suddenly says making my body freeze on the spot.
"What" I quietly gasp as Lela places her hands on my shoulder supportively
"Unfortunately us Charmix fairies would not be able to keep up with an enchantix fairy like yourself princess. We would merely slow you down." Lela says covering up the fact that I am not a fairy.

Anyaval looks over her shoulder at us and raises her eyebrow elegantly
"I wouldn't fly too fast ladies. I like to spend my time viewing the scenery of my kingdom we should i insist." Anyaval says preparing to activate her enchantix form.
"I'm not a fairy" I suddenly admit causing a strong tension to form within us.
"What" she asks with confusion
"I am not a fairy, I am a human" I admit

"That's impossible. Your a non magic creature? How did you end up on Hestia?" She asks approaching me with a strong curiosity
"My guess is as the same as yours but I'm not a fairy trust me I've tried" I tell her sadly all I ever wanted was to be a fairy like my friends but it was never meant to be.

"Very well I shall create a portal for us to return walking is getting rather tiring." Anyaval suddenly says surprising me. Lela looks at me the same way with shock at how easy it was for her to accept that I am human.
Using her powers she creates a worm hole
"Come on." She says walking through the portal as lela giggles with me dragging me through it with her.

We appear at the other end inside the castle itself.
"Wow" I whisper looking at how beautiful it is inside as Lela looks at me her eyes widen with excitement.
"Now lets go to my chambers where I can talk you both through your duties as my hands maiden." Anyaval announces as she begins to ramble on.

I looks around the castle following on from behind something about it makes me feel strange almost as if I recognise it which shouldn't be possible but it does and it's very bizarre.
A body suddenly aggressively slams into my side.
"Watch were you are going girl!" Queen Amora snaps glancing down at me as her eyes bulge form her head infuriated.

"Oh I-I'm Sorry your majesty." I blurt out
"How dare you walk around my castle grounds being so inconsiderate of anyone around you. Rude girl." She snaps looking me up and down with disgust as Lela and Anyaval stand and watch.
"If you ever pull a stunt like this again I will have you removed from my home." She snaps angrily pointing directly in my face.
"Uh" I whisper not sure what to say at this overly angry woman.
"Get that into your stupid Brain" she roars while storming off leaving me flabbergasted.

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