Chatper 1 the magic baby boy

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in a dark and stormy night in England Camelot in 1469. It was the biggest storm Camelot ever witness. Most of the people were taking in shelter in King Arthur castle. The storm was soon loud and scary that you could caught your death out there. But depth within the castle lays the wizard Merlin, who was busy making potions. But then Merlin hear a door knock.

Merlin: a door knock? In this late of time?

Then Merlin walked towards the door leading outside. But as soon as he opens the door, he discovered that a baby was leave all alone on a dark night.

Merlin: my, my, a baby. Left alone. On a dark night like tonight.

Merlin then took the baby inside. And gave the baby milk and shelter. And tried to figure out what to do with the baby. While the baby tried to pull Merlin's beard.

Merlin: easy young one. Don't worry... I will find you a new family that will take care of you.

Then the baby burp at Merlin's face. As Merlin gave the baby toys to play with the baby also wanted to play with Merlin potions.

Merlin: no young one. If you play with that, you will be burned if you do.

Then all of sudden the baby did not like it and started to shoot lighting out of his hands. Merlin was shock but also surprise that baby could do something like that. Then the potion that the baby struck with explode and spread it fire around. Merlin quickly put out the fire with a water spell. And he looked at the baby. As he smiled a laugh Merlin realised how much power the baby has.

Shortly after the storm lifted Merlin went to tell his king what happen.

Merlin: Your Majesty! Your Majesty!

King Arthur: Merlin? It quite late. What is it?

Merlin: forgive me your Majesty but it urgent. A baby was delivered here.

King Arthur: so, we'll find a family that will take care of it.

Merlin: no, the baby he... possess magically power. Far great powers for a baby to have.

King Arthur: how great are we talking about?

Merlin: one day. He will have greater magic then me.

King Arthur: that much power? Then we must take care of it at once.

Merlin: your Majesty just wait! the baby has little control of his gifts. But if he learns to control it. He could become a great asset to the kingdom.

King Arthur: perhaps. But you could also be creature sent by hell to destroy us all.

Merlin: your highness, just give me a chance to help the baby. If he turns evil at the age of 12. I will handle the child.

Then after a moment of silenced King Arthur made his mind up.

King Arthur: very well Merlin. You shall look after him. does the boy have a name?

Merlin: no, the only thing he had was a cloth covering him. but I shall look after him and make sure that he's saver of the world. I shall name him... 

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