Chapter 16 the purification of the human hearts

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Back at Camelot the kingdom was not only turned into chaos due to the people of Camelot rioting. But also due to earthquakes caused by King Arthur and the Darklord Azearl.

Sir Calvin: what's going on out there?

Merlin: it the King and that blasted Demon.

Pan Eden: there battle is affecting here?

Merlin: yes, but now is not the time to watch them fight. We must save the people of Camelot.

Pan Eden: is it almost done?

Merlin: yes! There's only one thing left to do.

Sir Calvin: what is it?

Merlin: we must channel the potion I created, into a burst that cover the whole kingdom. By using mine and Pan Eden's magic.

Pan Eden: and this will turn everyone back to normal?

Merlin: yes.

Sir Calvin: will there be any side effects for anyone?

Merlin: mostly for me and Pan Eden. But everyone who will be affected will see images of the future. but it doesn't last that long.

Pan Eden: it doesn't matter as long we can protect the people of Camelot.

Merlin: I see that you have grown a lot on your journey.

Pan Eden: I think I know my calling now.

Merlin: Sir Calvin, I need you to buy us enough time for me and Pan Eden for us to release the spell. Can you do it?

Sir Calvin: it would be an honour to serve my kingdom again.

Then Pan Eden and Merlin channel their magic into the potion having unbelievable flow of power into the potion.

Merlin: we must give out all of our magic into this, in order for this to work!

As they continue to do it the room started to shake as these two wizards were giving all what they've got. Then all of sudden, boom. The potion exploded and have it contained all over the kingdom of Camelot. As for the people who were killing and stealing for no reason passed out. The potion had worked. But is the danger really over now and what future thing have Merlin and Pan Eden discover? 

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