The Preparation

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"What the hell do we do know?" Joe asks, still stunned by the fact that his band mate is an actual vampire.

"First off, we take a deep breath and calm down. Secondly—" Dean is cut off by a loud knock on the door which is followed by a deeper, new voice. One that the brothers don't recognize at all.

"Hey, what's going on in there?!" The voice shouts behind the door.

"Fuck," Patrick mouths before walking over to the door and telling the person on the other side that it was a movie that everyone was watching. Luckily, there's a flat screen TV hanging up on the wall opposite of the bed to testify for the lie. The person obliges, giving them a sleepy "good night" before walking away from the door.

"Who was that?" Sam whispers.

"Pete's dad," Patrick informs before sitting back on the bed next to Pete's comatose body.

"That was close," Andy says once the sound of footsteps became nonexistent.

"Too close," Dean shakes his head, "We should get them out of here before he starts screaming again and we can't make an excuse."

"I'll make up something in the morning," Joe says. "I don't want to disturb them anymore tonight."

"Alright, cool, but what are we gonna do about the fact that our bassist is a motherfucking vampire?!" Patrick practically yells, but is a harsh whisper at best. He's feeling a whole bunch of different emotions right now, but he's mostly feeling tired and frustrated.

The rest of the band are feeling the same thing, but in different ways. Andy is trying to keep cool as always, and Joe is so overwhelmed that he can barely breathe. Not only is their bassist dead, but is a blood-sucking monster that could possibly kill all of them.

They don't even want to think about how their band could possibly fall apart at the moment.

"I think we may have a way to fix this," Sam says, "There's a remedy that can reverse the effects of the vampire venom and turn him back into a human."

"A vampire cure?" Joe asks skeptically.

"It's a simple concoction, but we need to get the blood of the vampire who turned him which could possibly be Dirty seeing as he's the leader of that coven." Sam further explains. The band members stare at him with wide eyes and that sliver of hope once again re-emerges within their spirits.

"We have sage and garlic in the car, so all we need to do is find Dirty, get some of his blood, and give Pete the cure before it's too late." Dean states, looking more determined than before.

"Too late?" Patrick questions, his voice small and full of worry.

"If Pete has even a drop of human blood, the curse is irreversible and the cure won't work." Sam explains, "That was the first time he's woken up since getting bit, so I doubt he's been able to feed."

"What if it doesn't work?" Joe asks.

"It's worked before," Dean assures them. "It happened to me a few years back. I got bit and turned, but the cure saved me before I could hurt anyone."

Joe is hesitant- about the cure and the assurance of Dean- but nods as if he understands anyway. Whether he gets it or not, he'll still do anything to save his band mate- his best friend.

"We should probably get some rest for now." Sam adds, taking in the appearance of the band in front of him.

Again, they look tired and worn down as if they'd ran a marathon, but worse. Joe was still covered with vampire blood from the one he killed while the other two are covered with dirt, their own blood, and sweat. Anyone could tell that they haven't slept in several hours due to their fatigued and dangerously gaunt bodies. No way they are in any shape to go fight the big bad guy like this.

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