The Boss Battle

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Joe finally wakes up, a pounding headache beating against his skull. He groans as he tries and lift his head, his eyes fluttering open at the same time. The vision of his surroundings is severely out of focus and too dark to make out any shapes or faces.

At first, Joe thought he was in his room at his house, but as he makes out four moving figures in his blurry vision, he realizes that he is not in Kansas anymore.

Of course, he starts to panic and his breathing starts to pick up. He tries to move, but his body is held down by restrains. Laying on his back on what he assumes to be a bed (it's comfortable enough), his hands and legs are tied by ropes which are bound to the head and foot board.

Just like Pete when the brothers and his band went to go find him.

The brothers.

With that thought, he struggles harder against the ropes. "Where the fuck are they?" He thinks anxiously.

"Hey, calm down there." He hears a familiar voice say next to him.

Joe looks over next to him to see Sam tied up in a chair with his brother behind him. They sit back to back, bounded to their chairs by rope. Sam stares at him, a look of concern on his face, whilst Dean's head is limp and still unconscious.

"W-What's goin' on?" Joe mumbles, lifting his head up to look around now that his vision is clearer. There's now only one other figure in the room who has their back turned to them, unaware of their conversation.

"We've been captured, but don't worry. We'll get out of here," Sam promises. His voice is barely a whisper, but he puts enough emotion into it to make Joe believe that he's telling the truth.

They're hunters. They can get out of this...


The figure turns to them and gives Sam a nasty look. "Shut up, hunter," It growls.

The younger brother only looks away and keeps his head down. Joe lays his head back against the mattress and closes his eyes, wishing that he could be anywhere but here.

The figure walks over to Joe, his eyes opening once again to see who's coming. They lean over to inspect his face, and Joe now can see that it's one of Dirty's vampire minions. Their fangs are retracted, but he knows that it's the vampire he tried decapitating before he got caught.

They smile wickedly, giving Joe literal chills down his spine, and a harsh prick goes into his arm which causes the guitarist to hiss in pain. The vampire leaves his side and Joe cranes his neck down to look what he can confirm to be a needle that's taped to the inside of his arm. The needle is then hooked up to an IV and his eyes follow the wire to an empty blood bag that is hanging up beside his bed. As he continues to watch, he notices that his blood is slowly filling up the tubing and flowing steadily into the bag. He also notices that there are a whole other three bags filled up on the side table next to his head.

"Oh my god," He thinks to himself, "I think I'm gonna throw up."

Joe was too busy thinking about his blood to notice Dirty and his other goons had entered the room and started to talk.

"Well, fellas, I'm glad you're awake." Dirty says pompously before glancing over at Dean who is still comatose. "Or at least, some of you."

The vampire then proceeds to walk over to the bounded brothers, waiting just a second to slap the oldest across the face. With a harsh smack, Dean groans in pain and starts to regain his conscious.

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