Love and Sight

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Under the Sea         

White puffs clouded the sky, my black hoodie sweatshirt shielding me from the tiny occasional rain drops struggling to from in the air.My wore down Vans kept in unison with my fellow students inching into first period and out of the chilly October air.

           Teenagers shook off their jackets settling into their desks, with others clustered around their friends speaking enthusiastically of what happened to them over the weekend."A girl told her friends of a guy she had met sneaking into the pub and of how he was "So sexy.. and mature", the lust and excitement permeating from her like perfume.

          I took off my backpack and got out my English binder, keeping from looking up at anyone else making it to their desks.It was Monday and I wasn't wanting to deal with anybody, or their feelings.

          I was glad to sit in the back right corner of the class right by a socially awkward boy i used to space myself from who i didn't have to worry about starting conversations with but made up for it by.. well lets just say he bottled things up, allot. He always seems to make me feel depressed, but I guess it's better then the usual feelings you'd get from an average teenage boy. 

        I pushed down on the eraser of my mechanical pencil trying to occupy myself from everyone, from every ones eyes flicking my way, i could feel them burning holes in my sweater.

         The teacher came into the room quickly, her high boots clicking on the marble tiles, gesturing for students to get into there desks. Boys and girls hurried to their assigned seats. "Good morning". Mrs. Anderson spoke gazing over her class, the rings under her eyes visible in the lights overhead. The mascara and thin liquid eyeliner from the night before globing together. I knew I wasn't the only one that could tell she had a rough night. 

          "We're going to turn to our Literature books to Page 102 to finish our reading of 'Tomorrows Engines Today'. I could feel the mood in the room change instantly.Sighs reached around the room while everyone pulled their books out from under their desks.Although I already had my book out and was flipping to the page. I already read the material over the weekend. 

          I pulled my hood over my head then reached into my pocket to retrieve my Ipod touch, in hope it would distract me from it all, from everyone. I scrolled to Lil Wayne and turned on Lollipop as high as it would go. I looked around the room before putting them in, the teacher was on her computer staring like a zombie, one hand on her mouse and the other holding up her head by her chin.

          The classroom door clicked when it opened and I felt the cool outside air flow through the classroom waking everybody up. I looked up and dropped my ipod. 

         It was a girl, her long electric blond hair waving with the breeze over a baby blue Aero sweatshirt. A girl I'v never seen before. Not like I knew everybody but she drew curiosity in me, something I would rarely pursue. She pushed her hair back but then kept her face down revealing only a glimpse of perfect creamy porcelain skin.

         "Oh",Miss. Anderson stood up."Class,"she said in order to get every ones attention but it seemed every ones eyes were already on the stunning girl in front of class, "this is a brand new student here at Winston High school, her name is Alice Fey". "She is from, uhm.." she stopped and looked over towards the new girl  unexpectedly. She didn't jump at the gesture to share, if she even noticed. 

          She peered up into the spectators giving everyone another glimps of her glowing complexion golding deep blue eyes surrounded by long lashed fluttering open like butterfly wings. Eyes that suddenly met mine, her irises exploding with intensity that sent tingles through me before being hidden again and looking back up toward Miss. Anderson.

          "You may sit in the back", she pointed next to me. "In the only empty seat in the classroom". Boys and girls looked from the from the front to the back of the class and I waited to feel the sudden gut punching  feeling of quilt or envy. But I didn't, I didn't feel anything. Not from them, I only felt my own. My own heart beating rapidly in my chest. 

          Eyes switched from me, then to Alice, the new girl making her way to her new desk, next to me.

          I too averted my gaze on her watching her steps,and wondering if anyone could hear my heart beating louder and louder with her proximity. She pulled her hair to one side looking away from me then she turned her head her eyes stopping on mine, staying their. In a second i saw deeper and deeper into them and i felt like I couldn't look away.

          My mind felt so different, so...Clear. She sat down her binder without looking away. slowly blinking, as if the longer our eyes held each other, the more mine swam deeper into the swirling blue ocean in hers the more the world started to slow down around us.

          She stood at her desk and I took in her features. I could finally see her face now, her small nose set between two perfect blue diamond surrounded by her perfect skin trailing down the curves of her neck down her chest where her petite body lie hidden benieth by her small sweater. The white lace of her shirt hugging her hips on her tight blue skinny jeans covering her perfectly thick legs. I scanned all the way down to her black spotless Vans before she sat down letting the classroom come back into focus.

          I looked around the room thinking the class probably seen me boldly check out the new girl and stare into her eyes and I already saw there laughter and puppy dog faces but all there heads were down looking at there books, or  there cell phones. Mrs. Anderson  was looking at her computer screen intensely like she was winning what ever game she was playing. 

          I wondered if the pounding blood in my ears was audible to everyone in the room. If my own feelings penetrated there minds and soul quickening there heart race, making there bodies restless and ancy sending bullets of sweat across their foreheads. But they only read on.

         If they even felt a smidge of what I felt they didn't show it.

         But what Did I feel? 

        I felt, Nervous. But not just nervous, sad, happy, and excited all at the same time pulling my gut and my heart and my head in all different directions.

        I just felt nervous. But different, it felt just my own. 

          I lifted my head up  trying to look at Alice without making it obvious. Her head rose as I peered to the side catching me off guard. I looked down. I lifted up my chin again and her eyes were still set on me but not my face. She was looking at me, unaware i saw her taking me in. Taking in my stature beneath my black sweatshirt eyeing the fitting of my pants down to my thick calfs tight in my grey skinnies accentuating my blue Vans.

          And then her eyes rose suddenly following my jawline to my chin resting higher on my licked we lips. Then her eyes slowly rose to meet my gaze, me still watching her too. My light blue green eyes mixed with her. Her dark sea blue eyes in with mine, one another in peaceful serenity.

          And then we were alone. Not in the classroom anymore. Standing on top of dark sand, in a  blue washed world deep underwater.  Alice in front of me was holding both my hands oar toes together.We were in oar clothes, the same clothes we were in sitting at oar desks. I could feel her fingers and soft palms in mine. Ripples ten feet above oar heads dancing streaks of luminescent sparkling white and blue light across her features and through her hair rising up in the water around her even whiter face.The lights sparkling even more in her eyes. 


The bell thumbed through the class room and I sat in my desk again.

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