Chapter 3

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Behind the Gym

I didnt want to go to third period. This day has been too wierd. I had only one question on my mind,

Who was Alice Fey ?

And why is she makign me feel so.. Good..

I paces by boys and girl hurrying to the breakfast lines in search of chocolate muffins and breakfast sandwiched wrapped in tin foil.

I would usialy be hungry by the end of second period and a chocolate muffin would have been the highlight of my day, but not today. Today I was in search of questions. I was going to find Alice Fey adn figure out whaty she was doing to me, and why.? How ?

Was she hypnotizing me ? I thought. Did she feel the same way ?

 Or was she not  as good as I think she may be or as good as the feelings she gave me betrayed.

I turned around the front of the gym eyes scanning around me for electic blonde hair, that I already remembered perfectly.

Suddenly I was pushed up agianst the wall, small but furm forearms pinned me at my chest, an elbow pushed into the socket of my shoulder hands holding around my neck. It was Alice. Her eyes held the same beauty but peered into me with fierce intensity.

"Who are you "? she demanded.

Her voice -beautifuly distressed- echoed, white cloudes quikly dispersing in the little space between us.

"I.." I tried to speak, but her touph lean arms refused to let me speak a word. She loosened her arms, then her entire body. Her arms eased letting her glossy fingernails travel from the front of my collar to the back of my neck making  the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Each hair follicle sent chills from the roots down my spine as her fingers slowly -unsurely met them and let them twist around her index finger.

Her eyes looked at me now, insely with another emotion then before. With a look that betrayed lust and ceriousity. They peered into me under long black lashes threatening to hide -to neglect me from them. But they held on mine. My breath shuddered, I didnt want to move my body, afraid it would ruin teh moment.

"M..My name is, Chris" is all I could say. Her hands held the back of my neck and pulled me toward her, my lips met hers open and hers parted in mine. Her lips soft like a rose, peddles opening up, and then I felt her tongue, intensely warm. She traced her hands around my neck her nails tickling me all the way to my jawline. Her fingers traced under my face. I felt my hands finaly move, I felt her body under her sweater down her waiste and then I felt the loops of her jeans. I wanted to loop my fingers in them and pull her closer into me, and like she read my mind her body pushed into mine her feet inbeetween mine now oar shoes even kept eachother warm.

Her weight shifted from her legs into me and  my hands met her thighs pulling her up  and wrapping my hands around her butt. Her legs effortlessly laced around me. Her loft lips parted from mine in a moan and I pulled her up ever more, her legs higher on my waist. Her neck crained back in sheer pleasure and I felt the heat pumping blood under the  surface of her neck. I smelt her skin.

If someone walked by then they would assume we were already having sex.

But I didnt care, I pressed into her even more, in desire of something I've never felt. Something that felt so good.

I felt my manhood swell with my rapid heart beat. I know she did to, but she didnt move. I kissed her now, forgetting about the answers I was in search for before and only only searching for me of her.

We both jumped  opening oar eyesas the bell rang loudly above oar heads.My hands loosened on her and I let her down. Her hands still rested on me, I jsut stared her. My mouth partly open, wanting to say something. Not knowing what to say. "Meet me after school ", she said. Then broke into a run and ran around the corner of the gym.

I wondered weather I would see her in another period.

But I didnt.

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