Chapter 4

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Several minutes passed in which nothing happened.
Bokuto was humming a melody,
Daichi meanwhile sat on the floor and was picking some weed from the ground and Kuroo was busy kicking some pebbles around.

"Maybe they think that we're lying" Daichi said.

"If that's the case, than I think we should vote, who's fault it is... Who's for bokuto?" Kuroo asked while he raised his hand.

This earned him a slap on the chest from his best friend.
"Dude, are you serious? " Bokuto asked in disbelief.

Kuroo had a shit eating grin on his face as he turned toward him.
"Of course I am, you said that Ukai is related to the general, if that was true, if he really is his grandson than the general must be old as the time" the tall boy explained.

"So you're saying that question was like a test?" Daichi asked stunned.

"Maybe" Kuroo shrugged.

"Well I failed" Bokuto announced.

"Yeah we figured that" Daichi and Kuroo said in sync.

Bokuto was about to apologize, but the klicking of metal let him stop in his tracks.

The metal bar was shoved away from the spying-hole in the door again.
A different pair of eyes stared at the soliders this time, they were quite familiar.

"Booyyys!" the voice cooed happily.

"Mister Takeda!" the three boys were never so relieved before to see their driver.
It didn't take long for the guards to open the door.

There was another metallic klicking sound and finally the door was unlocked and the entrance was open.

Excitement filled the boys chests they stepped through the open door and found themselves at the other side of the wall.

Everything seamed much brighter, since the open field that could be found on this side wasn't covered by trees anymore, the sun stood low already but it still gave enough light to see everything.

"WOW" the three boys breathed out in awe. They imagined the base to be massive, but what they saw in front of them was even more impressive.
There was a whole Airfeld on their left, next to it was a section that seemed to be used as a training area, considering the fact that people where jogging around.
To their right was a row of houses, probably used for the soldiers to stay and sleep in.
They tried too figure out where the property ended but since the base was a few kilometres long, they couldn't see that far no matter how hard they tried.

"Impressive, right?" asked a well known voice beside them, Mr Takeda gave them a smile and the soldiers nodded with their heads in return, still not able to find words that could fit the situation they were in.

Mister Takeda moved his glasses higher up on the bridge of his nose and smirked.
"That's what I thought, now if you may follow me to the join-point, the others are waiting" he said in his happy and cheerful manner and started walking.

The three boys trotted behind him, still looking in awe at every Gras string that they passed.

They walked along the airfield, Bokuto was pointing furious at planes, like he had done the first time when they had spotted the brickwall. He rambled on, telling Kuroo excited what he had read about each of the plane models in his books back home.

It was sobering to watch, but emotions took a quick turn as they had finally cross the field and stood now in front of the curt. Which gave them the perfect opportunity to look across the training area and spot their companions.

Bokuto, who was still overly excited, was about to sprint ahead, but Kuroo had himself under control and shoved his arm in front of his best friends chest in order to stop him.

Daichi, who also thought that such an impulsive behaviour would destroy their reputation, just shook his head .

Bokuto gladly realised his mistake and settled down a bit. Mr Takeda didn't seem to have noticed since he causally continued to walk across the field, the three boys where now silently following him like they were supposed to.

Takeda smiled. He knew how existed the boys were,but they were silent and showed their best behavior. He knew they didn't wanted to be embarrassed in front of the others. They had to behave like soldiers were supposed to.

Eventually they made it over the field and finally reached the spot where the others were waiting for them.

"There you are!" Tanaka, a following solider with a buzzcut pointed out.

Everyone tuned their attention immediately to the four men who had just arrived.

"Yeah" Daichi said and scratched his neck.

"You're in luck my friend, the sergeant hasn't arrived yet... So you're not completely late" Tanaka explained and gave Daichi a punsh on his shoulder.

"We would be tho, if we hadn't listened to Daichi" pointed Bouton out.

"And why is that so?" Tanaka asked surprised.

"Because Kuroo and I would have gone to the other end of the wall. That's why... But Daichi spotted the entrance just by it's shadow. We would have get lost without him" Bokuto informed the others about their journey, just as if he was telling the most amazing superhero story.

"How terrible" the snarky comment was spoken with an over dramatic tuck to it.

Everyone now turned their attention to Tsukishima, a tall, blond boy who was know for his sarcasm.

The boy lifted his head himself and looked around.
"Ohhh did I say that out loud?" he smirked.

Kuroo crossed his arms in front of his chest and gave the boy an unamused look.
"Yeah you did and I would be mad at you for tricking us but I let it slide since we're friends" he said and layed an arm on Tsukishimas shoulder.

"No we're not" Tsukki said with no emotion and took a step to the side, which coursed Kuroos arm to slip of his shoulder again.

"We are, you just don't know it yet! " said the black haired boy amused.

"I rather not" responded the blond boy, he looked dead on the inside.

Somehow the bickering between those two was hilarious to witness.

"I'm gonna crack that guy one day"
Kuroo told Bokuto dreamingly.
His best friend patted him on the back.

"No, no you're not"
He said and walked towards Iwaizumi leaving Kuroo alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2020 ⏰

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