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                                              - day6

Eun stood on the stood, " quickly pass the banners" He says, signaling haechan to bring the decorations to hang up, jungwoo was coming back to the dorms after his hiatus which felt like years, the members missed him dearly.

eun began to hang the huge banner that had " welcome back Jung-woo " written over it, the members kept coming in and out of the room, decorating and bringing gifts, they were so excited to see him, " Wait! You guys have to decorate quick, I'll have to pick up jungwoo and Try to distract him" Eun said while looking at his phone, the members nodded, agreeing with his smart plan, Eun goes to his room to get his coat and keys, getting ready to drive to jungwoo's location that he sent earlier.


Eun parked, and went out of the vehicle to see the sight of jungwoo carrying his bags, Eun ran towards him jumping on him, tackling him to the ground, embracing him tightly, " I MISSED YOU " Eun says, Jungwoo lets out a soft " ouch" sound, " ARE YOU OKAY? DID I HURT YOU " Eun replies in a worried tone, Jungwoo smiles at eun patting his head, shaking his head for no, Eun gets up and lets out his hand to help Jungwoo up.

Eun carries Jungwoo's luggage into the car trunk, " Let's go out before back to the dorms " Eun says, while jungwoo got into the passenger seat"


Jungwoo was having fun and cute moment with eun, shopping and eating together, Jungwoo was distracted by the snoopy plushie, Eun noticed and lets out a soft giggle, " do you want it?" He asked Jungwoo gave eun puppy eyes, " can I have it?" he asked.

That made Eun's heart explode in some way as if the cupid hit his chest with an arrow, eun ended up getting him the snoopy plushie, Eun felt his phone vibrate, it was his cue to bring jungwoo to the place.


Jungwoo entered the dark dorms with eun, " why is it dark ?" Jungwoo asked but soon was cut off with the opening of the light to show the members, they all ended up shouting, " WELCOME BACK JUNGWOO!!!" that brought jungwoo to happy tears, they gave him his gifts and greeted him, " okay since thats over can we eat the snoopy cake?" chenle said, " YOU RUineD THE OTHER SuPRISE!!!" Jaemin yells at him, Jungwoo was happy to be back.


happy snoopy day

i missed you all

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