Chapter 15

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Chapter 254

باب تحريم الغيبة والأمر بحفظ اللسان
The Prohibition of Backbiting and the Commandment of Guarding one's Tongue

عَنْ أنَسٍ رضي اللَّه عنهُ قالَ : قَالَ رسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلّى االلهُ عَلَيْهِ وسَلَّم : « لمَّا عُرِجَ بي مررْتُ بِقَوْمٍ
لهُمْ أظْفَارٌ مِن نُحاسٍ يَخمِشُونَ بهَا وجُوهَهُمُ وَصُدُورَهُم ، فَقُلْتُ : منْ هؤلاءِ يَا جِبْرِيل ؟ قَال : هؤلاءِ الَّذِينَ
يَأْكلُونَ لُحُوم النَّاسِ ، ويَقَعُون في أعْراضِهمْ ، » رواهُ أبو داود .

Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "During the Mi'raj (the
Night of Ascension), I saw a group of people who were scratching their chests and faces with their copper nails. I asked, 'Who are these people, O Jibril?' Jibril replied: "These are the people who ate flesh of others (by backbiting)
and trampled people's honour."
[Abu Dawud].
Commentary: "These are the people who ate flesh of others" is a metaphor for backbiting. "To trample people's honour" is akin to harming their goodwill and honour. The punishment for these things mentioned in Hadith makes their seriousness obvious. (Riyaadh sSalihin Hadith No:1526)


Rehan turned his attention of Kaif but hurriedly looked away from him when he found his intense stare on him. He did not wanted to accept the fact that he was jealous of some other speaking to Rida. He didn't knew why he was feeling this and that was the reason he was more annoyed.

Rehan ignored his questioned and continued driving and even Kaif did not force him any further because his silence was the answer that he had received. They reached Rehan's office almost after an hour and Kaif waited for Rehan near the gate so that he could park the car.

Rehan came and they both walked towards the lift. They waited for the lift, no one speaking anything. While Rehan was thinking of how to answer Kaif's question there was something else going on in his mysterious mind. He smirked when the idea came to his mind.

Rehan turned to Kaif to clarify things when he saw the huge smirk on Kaif's face and he raised his eyebrow at him. He tapped Kaif's shoulder and Kaif turned to him to see him with a questioning look while he smiled sheepishly at him.

"What is going on in that small brain of yours?" Rehan asked and before he could say something they hear the sound of the lift. They both entered the lift, making Kaif to sigh in relief but Rehan had not lost the tract of their track.

"Speak up." Rehan said and Kaif avoided looking at him before he smirked and turned around to Rehan with a sly smile on his face.

"I was thinking of proposing to Rida." He said and Rehan almost felt the ground beneath him slip. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. He thought that he was hallucinating since he have been thinking all about Rida for the last days so shaking his head he asked Kaif to repeat what he said.

"I said I am planning to propose Rida." Kaif repeated his statement and Rehan was sure that he was not hallucinating and that Kaif had actually spoken what he had heard in the first place.

He didn't knew how to react to this question. He felt himself getting angry on the mere thought. He clenched his fist and unclenched them. He took a deep breath and smiled at Kaif who had been all the time observing his reaction without giving away anything to Rehan.

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