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Alexis smirked as she sat on the edge of shapes bed as she sat getting dressed. She looked to him and sighed as she tucked her blouse into her skirt "leaving already" he asked as she looked to him and smirked "why do you still want me here" she asked as he looked to her and smirked "I'd love to but we will get caught" he said as she looked to him and smirked as she walked out of the dorm and sighed. She walked out fo his chambers and sighed as she walked back to the common room trying to be caught. Alexis knew that she was sleeping with snape trying to get the information that the dark wanted out of him but it was easier said than done. She knew that snape wasn't stupid and that he would know. Alexis didn't know if she could do it but she knew that Lucius and the dark lord gave her no choice in it all

Alexis walked back into the common room and sighed to herself as she saw grace who was sitting there "what are you doing here so early" Alexis asked as grace looked to her and smiled "funny I was going to ask you the same think, I'm not stupid Alexis, I know all about the same thing I know about your mission and I know that you were with him" grace said as Alexis looked to Her and sighed as she turned to face grace and sighed "I can't exactly open up and tell you I was given a mission to seduce our potion master when you have to with the chosen one. You have your own problems and it's not exactly easy" Alexis said as grace looked to her and frowned "you idiot, you have feelings for him don't you" grace asked as Alexis looked to her and sighed "I don't know" Alexis said


Alexis sighed to herself as she walked down into the common room and sighed as she saw narcissa "mother, what are you doing here" Alexis asked as narcissa looked to her and rolled her eyes "a bit of respect Alex. Grace and I spoke and I want to know what your playing at. I get you needed to find out information on Severus but you can't actually be falling for him" narcissa said as Alexis looked to her and sighed "I don't know, my head is a mes. He is not stupid and I can't exactly get information out of him easily. I don't know what to do" Alexis said as she sat Down as narcissa looked to her and smiled "say the word and I'll tell your father it's not happening" narcissa said as Alexis sighed "I can't, it's too late. I have to do this and I'm scared" Alexis said as narcissa hugged her


Alexis sighed as she stood in the dungeons as snape walked in and she looked to him and sighed "we need to talk, the dark lord is getting suspicious" she said as he looked to her and nodded "I know I can handle him" Severus said as Alexis sighed "I don't want you to get hurt" Alexis said as he smiled slightly as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled "it will all be okay I promise" he said as she smiled. Alexis was scared, she was even more scared that she could be developing feelings for him

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