Chapter 1

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Lena reached for the almost empty bottle of Champagne but stopped before pouring it into her glass for the fifth time that night. Instead, she put down the glass and started drinking straight from the bottle.

She was too drunk to care. Too drunk to cry or feel any emotions at all. She didn't know how long she was sat there, maybe hours. At some point, she knocked over a glass causing it to smash all over the pristine floor of her office.

Still, she didn't care. She didn't know why but part of her hoped that someone would walk through the doors, but the other part wished that the world would leave her alone and forget her.

But how could the universe forget about Lena Luthor when she had made so much of a difference to it, for the better or for the worst.

There came a knock on the door and Lena took another swig of the bottle prepared to show how uninterested she was in being kind, but no matter how drunk she was, she was still smart so she let this uninvited guest speak first, so she knew who she was dealing with.

"Lena?" It was from Alex Danvers. "Lena, I know you're in there. Kara had some important business to attend to but she wanted to make sure you were alright. You seemed upset when you left J'onn's is everything OK?"

Lena still didn't reply, in all honesty, she didn't know what to say.

"Right, that's it. I don't know what's made you upset. But I don't appreciate being ignored!" Alex opened the door and entered Lena's office.

She stepped back in shock when she saw the empty bottle in Lena's hand and the smashed glass across the floor. She then looked at Lena, she could see the tears in her eyes but she knew the Luthor would never let them fall, not even in front of her.

"Lena, what happened? Are you OK?'

"Nothing. I'm fine."

"You call this," she gestured to the state of the room and the state of Lena, "Fine? Wha....I....Lena, I'm speechless. When you arrived at J'onn's you seemed perfectly alright and yes you left in a hurry but why was this necessary?"

"Why is it necessary to lie to your best friend for three years," Lena muttered under her breath not wanting it to be heard, however, Alex was an agent, she had been trained to gather all the evidence and sometimes that meant she had to listen to everything people said.

"Oh my god you know that Kara.....that Kara is..."

"That Kara is Supergirl, yes I know. Was she ever going to tell me?"

"Lena you have to understand that she didn't want to lose you. She knew that you didn't get along well with Supergirl and if you knew that they were the same person she....Lena, you mean so much to Kara if she lost you it would break her."

"Like it broke me."

"Oh, Lena." Alex sat down on the sofa next to Lena and wrapped her arms around her. This was one of those moments that the brunette wished she could stay in forever, being embraced by someone who actually cares.

But then she remembered that Alex didn't care, why would she? She's lied to her about Kara too. She pushed Alex away, "Don't touch me. You're not my friend."

Alex felt slightly taken aback, "Lena, of course, I'm your friend. I'll always be here for you, you know that. You're just in shock and also drunk."

"You know that's exactly what Kara said. She promised that she would never leave me. She said I could always trust her, that I was her best friend. She made me feel special but now I know that was all a lie."

"Lena I promise you it was not a lie."

Lena's voice shook with emotion and the tears started to stream down her face, "I wish you Danvers would stop making promises you can't keep! It was all a lie, everything! My trust has been broken so many times! Why Alex? Why didn't she tell me, is it because I'm a Luthor. I knew it, all of this! It's all because my stupid family couldn't keep their sanity!"

Lena threw the empty wine bottle at the wall causing it to smash into millions of pieces. She then broke into sobs, her vision blurred with tears.

Alex placed her hand on Lena's shoulder, she flinched but didn't push her away.

Once Lena had calmed down Alex pulled out her phone.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm calling Kara so you two can talk."

"No, you can't! The least you could do is let Kara tell me herself. That way I'll know she wasn't forced to tell the truth. Please, Alex, I would never hurt her, just don't tell her that I know."

"I trust you, Lena. So I won't tell Kara. But promise me that if things get too much like they did today, please don't hide it. There are tons of people who care about you, including Kara."

Alex got up and started to walk towards the door. "Wait, you're leaving?"

"Sorry Lena I can't stay too late or Kelly will worry. You'll be OK though?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine." Lena attempted a smile.

"OK, goodbye Lena." Alex went to leave but stopped at the door. "Kara really does care for you Lena, and so do I." Within a second Alex had gone and Lena was left alone once more.

Lena sighed, it was 10:55 pm and she knew she should go home but if she left Jess all this mess she would feel awful. She walked over to where the bottle had smashed on the floor and began to carefully pick up the glass.

Not carefully enough though because a large shard of glass cut into her palm, she watched the red blood seep out of her hand but she didn't cry out. She did nothing. She felt no pain...

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