Chapter 10

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Once again Alex was at L-corp knocking on Lena's door. It had almost become a routine for her. Of course, her main job was still at the DEO but she was spending a large amount of time at L-corp.

But she didn't mind and nor did Lena, it was fascinating here and the people were friendly and smart, like the Luthor herself.

"Come in," Lena called softly from inside her office.

Alex felt a little silly when she entered. It was just a pen and she could've given it back any day rather than immediately, but she was here now and she knew Lena wasn't one for small talk.

"You left your pen at Kara's and I thought that I should return it before I forgot about in case it was special. Not that I'm saying pens are special to you I just meant that...."

"Alex." Lena cut off the older woman's rambling, "It's OK. And you are right it is kind of special. Lex bought it for my 16th birthday, it's a little silly that one of the only things I have left of him is a pen."

Alex handed the pen to Lena. "You trusted me with it though?"

Lena laughed, "Alex it's a pen I'm not that emotionally attached."

"So how's the hunt for the new CFO going? I can help if you want?"

"Oh no, that won't be necessary. You've done more than enough for me already."

"Says the woman who always does more than enough for this company, yet she still misses out on thanksgiving dinner which just wasn't the same without her."

Lena couldn't help laughing.

"In case you couldn't tell that's my way of telling you, you should have a day off," Alex added.

"Maybe I will, when I believe I have a suitable enough person to run L-corp. Which might be possible if I didn't have so many distractions."

"Sorry," Alex said a little sheepishly. Now feeling even sillier for interrupting Lena just to bring her a pen.

"Don't be. Go home, Alex."

"Fine. But as long as you promise me you'll leave the rest of you're work for tomorrow and go home at a reasonable time."

"I give you my word."

Alex nodded awkwardly, she was a little hesitant to leave so she thought for a moment...

Maybe I could talk to Lena about something. The weather perhaps? Oh fuck it why would Lena Luthor want to talk about the weather.

"I'll see you soon then."


It had been only two hours and Alex was storming back into Lena's office where, of course, the Luthor was still working despite her promise.

"You lied to me."

"That's a bit rich coming from you Danvers," Lena said nonchalantly without looking up from her desk.

"Lena please don't try to turn this around on me."

Lena finally looked up at Alex and was surprised when she looked into the older woman's eyes. Where she had expected to see anger all she saw was concern.

"You said the CFO hunt was going well, but when I looked on L-corp's website there was no application form or anything about you even looking for one!"

"That's because I'm not."

"What? Why? I'm sure there are tons of experienced people who would be a great addition to L-corp, regardless of whether you're a Luthor or not."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2020 ⏰

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