Chapter 3

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Alex opened the apartment door to reveal her sister standing there. "Hey, you know, if you knocked on my door any harder you might make a dent in it. How would I explain that to the neighbours? Speaking off which, why are you here so early?"

"I heard you spoke to Lena yesterday."

"Yes, I did. That's not a crime is it?" Alex joked.

"No, I just wish you would've told me."

"I'm sorry Kara. I just noticed that Lena left J'onn's in a hurry and I didn't want you to worry."

"I'm her best friend of course I worried!"

"Well there's always something going on with Lena and I wanted you to enjoy the game night. And I know you were considering telling her about your true identity, just if something slipped your mind...."

"You still think that telling Lena would be a mistake?"

"No.....Kara....I don't.....I don't know. I just don't want your friendship to be ruined that's all."

"Yeah I get that and I don't want to lose her either but hearing that she's upset about her brother's loss and knowing that it was Supergirl....that it was me who killed him. Lying to her just doesn't make me feel good about myself."

"She's upset about her brother?"

"Yeah. You went to see her yesterday didn't she tell you that?"

"She might've. I was too busy worrying about her state."

"Her state?"

"She was drunk."

"What? Alex, why didn't you tell me? Why didn't she tell me?"

"Well for starters you were to busy arguing with me about talking to Lena."

"Oh, Alex I wasn't arguing. I just wish I could've been there with her."

"Let's just change the subject, Kara. I'm sure Lena's fine."

"Ok, then how are you and Kelly?"

"Hmmm what? Oh us? Yeah, we're good....great yeah we're great."

"That didn't sound very certain. Has something happened?"

"No nothing's happened. Of course not."

"Good. Well if anything does happen. Know that you can talk to me."

"Yeah. You too."

"I should get back to CatCo. A reporters job is never done. Bye."



Alex knocked on the door of Lena Luthor's office for the second time that week. When there was a reply from inside Alex sighed and walked in.

"I had hoped you wouldn't be here," Alex said to the brunette sitting at her desk behind a stack of paperwork.

"Why so you wouldn't have to talk to me," Lena replied with a smirk on her face which, Alex noticed, was paler than usual.

"No, I had hoped you would be at home. Safe and not working."

"Alex, why are you here?"

Alex hesitated and then sat down on the sofa where just last night she had comforted Lena in her drunk state.

"I.....I don't actually know. I just wanted to check that you were ok after last night."

Alex noticed Lena flinch slightly when she mentioned last night.

"I'm guessing you also don't know why you told me that Kara sent you to 'see if I was alright'."

Alex shook her head.

Lena sighed and walked over to the drinks cabinet, pouring herself a glass.

Alex also walked over to the drinks cabinet and placed her hand on Lena's hand that was wrapped around the alcohol-filled glass.

Alex pushed down so the glass clattered on the table. For a moment Lena didn't move her hand and neither did Alex.

When the agent awkwardly put her hand by her side she didn't notice the brunette staring at her.

Alex cleared her throat, "Sorry I would worry if you were drinking after what happened...."

"Let's just forget about last night Alex, please. It was stupid anyway."

"No Lena it wasn't stupid. I'm glad you told me that you knew. Otherwise, you would've just bottled up your feelings and things would've gotten worse."

"Did you tell Kara?" Lena asked with a shaky voice.


"Oh, I would've if I was in your position."

"I promised that I wouldn't tell her and I keep promises. I also promised that I would be here for you and I'm keeping that too."

Lena managed a small smile, "Thank you, Agent Danvers."

"Why have we gone back to Agent Danvers?"

"Sorry, thank you, Alex." Lena picked up the glass of alcohol, "And you don't have to worry. Last night was just a one-off.

Alex scoffed, Lena was stubborn just like she was. But then Alex gasped. Lena had picked up the glass with her left hand which Alex now saw had cut through the palm.

"Lena your hand! What happened?"

"The smashed bottle. But it's only a scratch honestly I'm fine."

"Oh, Lena this is my fault. If I hadn't been selfish and went home."

"No Alex don't blame yourself. Wanting to make sure your girlfriend didn't worry is not selfish!"

"It doesn't look like it's healing. Please let me treat it at the DEO."

"No, I'm not going back there. Not after Supergirl."

"But Lena you spoke to Kara yesterday and nothing happened. What's wrong with speaking to Supergirl?"

"Part of me still sees them as two different people. Supergirl and I weren't exactly close anyway."

"Lena you don't have to speak to Supergirl just let me treat your hand. I could never sleep knowing that one of my friends were hurt."

Lena stepped back from Alex and took a sip of her drink. "How many times do I have to tell you Agent Danvers, you're not my friend. No one is."

And with that said Lena gulped down every drop of her drink. As the warm liquid flowed down her throat she breathed out a shaking breath.

"Lena will you stop saying that!"

"I mean it. Without friends, no one can betray you. Without friends, I can't be hurt."

"No Lena. Because you can still hurt yourself. More than anyone else, you are the one that can cause yourself the most pain."

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