Chapter 19 Cruel Summer 1/2

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Crickets in a forest dimly lit by lanterns. On the trees, on the ruins, every pale ember cast a small glow to the endless sea of silhouettes. Jessica, Valerie, and Shannon followed the contemptuously silent niece of the leader of The Woodsmen. Danielle guided them with her kerosene lantern, guard Jimmy to the rear, while the girls surveyed their surroundings in curiosity. Jessica decided to prod.

"You see bears out here?"


"No bears? Okay."

"What about ghosts?" said Shannon. "Weird shit that goes bump in the night? Azareans ever bother you?"


"Your uncle seems cool, at least," said Valerie. "Does he let you drink? That's probably all I would do if I were living out here. If yes, don't say anything."

Danielle stopped in her tracks. "No, I just shoot things."

"Same! High-five..."

Danielle scowled over her shoulder, leaving Valerie to hang as she stepped off.

Jessica placed her goggles, spotted the run-down manor in their direction. It looked older than anything in the modern world. "Are we going to that house from the History Channel?"

"What are you talking about?" Danielle stammered.

"That old ass house in front of us."

"How the hell..." Danielle looked back, saw the goggles, and scoffed, "Yes." 

They trod around the back of the ancient structure, leaving the front door alone, came upon yet another cellar hatch. It may have been their only option since the house looked like it was made of cards.

"You can take a break, Jimmy. Have a good night," Dani said.

"Ma'am." And the Woodsman tipped his hat.

Opening the cellar door, Danielle motioned her guests inward. They could see nothing, hear nothing, and fear plenty, with the exception of Jessica. Her lenses highlighted the stairs.

"Not ominous at all."

"I know this movie," said Shannon. "This is the part where the dumb white girl gets chainsawed by the man in the ugly mask. I'm the comic relief, so, naturally, someone has to go before me. Valerie..."

"Ni madre. El que tiene mas anos se va primera. Adelante, vieja."

Tired of protests, Jessica set foot on the stairs. At the bottom, an upsurge of delight quelled the eeriness and made her beam. The room was littered with old-world widgets, knick-knacks, and crap. Compelled by curiosity, she sped to the nearest pile and started digging.

"What do you see, Babel?"

"Scans show non-contemporary perishables and, what some might describe as, garbage."

"One man's garbage is a woman's treasure. Why does that sound weird?" Things went black, the goggles suddenly gone from her head.

"What nonsense are you spoutin'?" said Danielle, pressing the lenses against her face.

Jessica calmly reclaimed the goggles from her clutches. "Different worlds..."

"I can't see shit!" said Valerie.

"Ugh!" Danielle's stomps overtook the room, ending when the light of a lone fire appeared in the center. She tipped the candle in her hand to light a hanging lantern, which revealed a rocking chair underneath. She lit another candle, then another, and another. Several flickers later, the entire basement was visible. The shabby interior contained wondrous piles.

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