pt 2

62 1 2

Charli pov

I got woken up by my annoying freakin alarm. And today is the first day back in the hellhole we call school. I take a shower and get ready into a shirt that says bae and some mom jeans with alot of holes in them Nike air force 1's

I text Malu, Desi, and Leilani in our
group chat.

Queen bee👑🐝-Charli
Lei Lei💫💛-Leilani

Text messages

Queen Bee👑🐝: yall need me to pick yall up we can go get Starbucks.

Malulu😍💋: yea pick me up in ten.

Dess💍💖: no Diego is picking me up today, but thanks anyway, see you at school.

Lei Lei💫💛: yes see you in 5 bestie. 

Queen Bee👑🐝: K see you then.

Real life

I drove to leilani's house and me and her jammed out to songs ont eh way to Malu's house. "Hey girls yall look like fire today." I told them. "Girl we're nothing compared to you." Malu said. "Whatever I just threw this on today, I didnt feel like getting all prettied up" I said and scrunched my nose up. We pull up to Starbucks and went in. "K girlies I'm paying what do you want to drink or eat or both." I told them. "I'll have a pumpkin cold brew, and a chocolate cake pop." Leilani said. "I'll have a salted caramel frappuccino" Malu told me. I looked at the barista and saw something familiar about him. That was my Ex boyfriend Josh Richard's. "Hey Charli." I heard him say. "Dont talk to me Josh just make my order." I heard him chuckle at me and then I looked at him. If looks could kill be would probably be dead. "Charli you have to get over our break  up just because you wernt good enough." I scoffed and rolled my eyes and said, "I wasnt good enough for you? I shouldn't have been the one who got cheated on, I shouldn't have been the one who got heart broken, I shouldn't  have been the one that cried their eyes out every night for a month and a half because of some stupid guys who just used me, my best friends and Gio came over every day to make sure I was ok, from the pain you caused me, and you think I am just going to forgive you like that? I said and snapped my fingers. "Well-" he started but I cut him off. "No I dont forgive easy, and you, you should know that. We dated for a year and a half and how long where you cheating on me, you probably just wanted to take my virginity." "Ok stop raging I'll go get your drinks." He said "whatever hurry up we gotta get to school." I said back. heard the girls stifling their laughter. He said nothing and walked off to make our drinks.

~~••Time Skip••~~

~~♡At School♡~~

We pull up and get out of the car. Me and the girls walk over to our group (the devils). We see Desiree and I give my drink to one of the girls and runs to her and jump on her to where she is holding me up. "Desiiiii." I screamed. "Charliiii." Desiree screamed back. We all went into a hug with each other. Then we saw the boys come over.

Chase, Mikey, Diego, Giovanny, and Josh. Yes josh is in our group, but I still dont talk to him even though we dated it isnt weird to have him in our group, because we never talk. I went to hug Chase. Because he is my brother, the Mikey, then Diego, because they are like brothers to me. Then I went to Gio and we did our handshake thing that we made after we finished I hugged him. And when josh looked at me I just rolled my eyes at him. We went inside school and went to our first period together. We had math first, so we went to class, most of us fell asleep during class

We went to science after math then social studies after science. After those three subjects we went to lunch. The diamonds always be tryna start stuff with us in the lunch room then they dont get in trouble for starting the stuff we get in trouble. So when Loren, Ariel, Mel, and danielle came over we knew they was tryna start stuff, so we got ready. "Charli why you such a hoe always tryna get my man."
Danielle said to me. "Hunny I dont want yo man we already dated so you can have him, you will just be having my sloppy seconds." I said with a giggle at the end. She grunted and slapped me in the face. I stood there with a shocked look on my face for a couple seconds. "Whatchu gon do about it hoe?" She asked me. "Imma do this."I said back and punched to crap outta her. One of my girls handed me a hair tie and I put my hair up into a messy bun and started beating the crap outta her little weak butt. She only hit back a little bit and when she did it was a little slap so it didnt hurt. But she scratched me with her fake ash nails and that hurt. Someone pulled me off of her then I saw the my girls in fights to. It was Malu with Ariel, Leilani with Loren, and Desiree with Mel. I got out of the someone that pulled me off of danielle's grip and went to pull my girls off the other girls. We all got sent to the principal's office, and they asked us to tell them the story one by one, so we did mad I went first. "Ok so me and my girls was just tryna get some lunch and the these hoes over here come up to us and danielle is like "why you tryna take my man charli?" And I'm like you can have him I dont want him you'll just be taking my sloppy seconds. Then she slapped me and I punched back then started beating her up. Someone pulled me off and I went to pull my girls off of the other girls and then we got sent here." I told the principal. Then he asked all the others and my girls said the same as me. And danielle made up some crap I wasnt listening. "Me and my girls are telling the truth principal." I said. "Danielle is this true?" She asked her. They all just shook their heads yes. "Alright danielle, loren, mel, and ariel detention for two weeks. Charli, leilani, Malu, and Desiree detention for 3 days." We all shook our head and left. The we decide to skip and go to the movies. We went and watched It 2. And when we got home we all decided to stay the night at my house. So we went to walmart to get snacks and stayed up till 4 talking bout girls things, guys, and just eating everything. We also decided that we wernt going to school tomorrow so we just went to sleep and when we woke up the next day we went to the gym, and then walked around the park taking pictures.

Ok guys sorry I haven't updated in a long time. I have been working on this chapter for about a week and I didnt know how to end it. But vote if you like it!!~~~~~author

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