pt. 4

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Charli's pov

I woke up at 8 snuggled into giovanny. I wiggled out of his grip and took a shower. When I got out I did my morning routine, went to my room to find what to wear andi decided on this.

 When I got out I did my morning routine, went to my room to find what to wear andi decided on this

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After I got dressed I went on my phone for a little bit scrolling through tik tok. I decided I wanted to make one so I did. I put on the music and the timer then started the dance. I did savage by megan thee stallion. When I was dancing I looked back in the camera and saw gio wasnt asleep anymore and he wasnt in my bed. I continued to do the dance lip syncing to the words. And when there part where it says sassy moody nasty came on I saw gio behind me and when I threw it back he body rolled into me. I looked at the camera and saw my cheeks where red. I finished the dance, and posted the tik tok. "Bubba you have to go home and take a shower and change clothes." I told him. "Will you come with me baby?" He asked. "Of course I will, lets go." I replied. "Ok" we got to his house and went inside. He took a shower and changed while I scrolled through some comment on my most recent tik tok. He got out got dressed and we went to meet up with everyone, including the diamonds because we're a whole group now. "You ready to go boo?" I asked. "Yeah lest go babe." We went to meet up at the park. When we got there we talked and waited for everyone then when everyone was there we decided to go to the skating rink today. "Bub, I dont know how to skate." I said worried. "it's ok baby I can help you."  He told me. "Promise you wont let me fall." I said holding my pinky out. "I promise." He reassured me. I smiled and grabbed his hand. He gladly took mine to. We ended up getting food before we went skating. We went to a diner near by. We went and got a place to sit, but our group was to bug we had to scoot like 10 tables together. The waitress came over and took our order. She started at the end and worked her way up to me and gio. I guess you could say she was our age. I saw her look at gio and I grabbed his hand and interlocked my fingers with his. She still looked at him and bit her lip. I think gio saw this because then he put his hand on my thigh. I smirked at the waitress and then she finally got to us and asked what we wanted. "What would you like to drink?" I thought she asked me, but she ended up asking gio instead. "Water please." I asked. "I wasnt talking to you." She said with attitude. "Well you where looking at me not him so I thought you were asking me" I said with just as much attitude. She looked at me then rolled her eyes, then she looked at gio again. And it doesn't make it any better that she saw our bracelets and still didnt stop hitting on MY boyfriend. "Sorry sir this girl interrupted me. What would you like to drink?" She asked again looking as sweet as she could which wasnt very sweet. "Sorry lady this girl is my girlfriend and nobody will talk to her like that as long as I'm her boyfriend." He said back to her. "You act like I didnt see her hold your hand, and you put your hand on her thigh, but I did and I put two and two together, I just thought she wasnt good enough for you baby." She said back. I rolled my eyes and was about to get up but gio stopped me. "The truth is I'm not good enough for her, shes been through so my and you probably made it worse. I'm just tryna sit here and have a nice lunch with my girlfriend and my friends, but can I get that no! Because dumb waitress's always tryna hit on me and flirt with me, and they act like they cant see that I have a girlfriend. But I really do, I'm not just some player, who sleeps with a girl, then goes to the next one, no, I choose a girl and I stick with her. Of I have a girlfriend she is my one and only, I dont cheat, I am loyal. So if you think you can get with me, wrong. Because I have a beautiful girlfriend on the inside and out." Gio finished. I am nearly in tears right now. I smile at gio and went in to kiss his cheek, but he turned his head and we ended up kissing on the lips. We pull away and everyone claps. We walked out of the diner after reporting the waitress' name to the manager and not getting food, and we get in the car separately since we have like 30 people in our group. We end up just going to McDonald's and getting food there. We finish eating and then we go to the skating rink. We get our skates and put them on. I grab gios hand and we go out on the rink. "Bubba dont let me fall!!!" I almost screamed, because I was tripping. "Baby calm down, I wont let you fall, I pinky promised remember?" He asked. At some point he let go of my hand and I started skating all alone. "Bubba I'm doing it." I say excited. He smiles at me and says "I know baby." I was going the right way. But someone decided to go the other way and run into me. I fell down, and I hit my head pretty hard. I looked up and saw gio skating to me and then I saw Mel skating away in the wrong direction, and i immediately knew she did it. I felt tears in my eyes and gio cam over and put my head in his lap. I felt my head and realized my head was bleeding. I saw gio crying, and mel coming over to "comfort" him. "Gio its gonna be ok." I heard mel say. "Mel you act like I didnt see you do it, I was watching her skate and you went the wrong way and bumped into her." I heard gio say rudely. By this point I could only see the blurry details of everyone's face my face was crowded with tears and at some point I dont really know what happened and I just started seeing balck. "Someone call 911." I heard someone say but I couldn't make out the voice. I heard the sirens and felt someone lifting me on to a stretcher. The someone asking gio of he wanted to come with them. Of course he said yes. He came with me and I felt him grab a hold of my hand. "Baby it's going to be ok. You're going to be ok. You have to be ok." I heard him tell me before I couldn't hear anything.

Giovanny pov

I saw Mel bump into charli and I skated over to her. I put her head in my lap and saw she was bleeding. "Its going to be ok gio, she will be fine." I heard Mel say to me while rubbing my shoulder. I jerked  away from her and said "you think I didnt see you run into her, i was watching her skate and you just ran into her on purpose. Why would you do something like that? You know shes had a hard life, and you just go and make it worse every time you see her. Just get away from me  Mel, get away." I finish. "Mel I think you should get away." I heard chase, charli's  brother, say. I sat there hugging charli until I realized her eyes weren't open anymore. "Someone call 911!" I heard Alejandro say. He hasn't been here long but him and charli are close, so he cares for her like a big brother. The ambulance gets here and they ask me if I want to go with her. Of course I say yes. I get in and grab her hand. "Baby its going to be ok. You're going fo be ok. You have to be ok." I say with worry in my voice and it cracking a little bit, since I've been crying too. We get to the hospital and the doctors tell me to wait in the waiting room. So I do and I wait for everyone to get here. I see lea, my best friend and I go to hug her. She hugs me back and says "gio she will be ok, charli is a fighter, she wont leave this world without you by her side. I can promise you that she will be ok." I look at her and nod. All I can do is cry right now.

Mel's pov

I ran into charli at the skating rink. I didnt mean for it to go this far. I didnt mean to make her bleed out. I really am sorry for all I have done. And I hope we can sort this out and we can all be friends again.

Alejandro's pov

I saw Mel run into charli at the skating rink. She made her head bleed out. I was crying then I looked over to gio and saw he was crying a river. So I went over to sit by him, because it looked like he could use a friend right now. "Gio shes gonna be ok. I haven't known her for long but I can tell you for the week that I have known her she looks like a fighter. I don't. Think she will leave us. She will get through this and be ok. I promise." I finished

Giovanny pov

Everyone was telling me charli would be fine and I know she would I was just do upset and mad. I couldn't take it anymore. I ran out of the hospital and started walking.

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