pt. 3

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Charli's pov

After we all got home from the park we called the boys and told them to come over. "Hey guys come over to my house." "Ok we'll be there in about 15 minutes." "Ight bring snacks, cause ya girls can't stay thicc unless they have food." "Ok charli we'll bring snacks." "K byeeee." They came over and brought tons of snacks so me and my girls took and ig picture and posted it.

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Aww the boys are so nice they brought us all this food.❤😍🥺


ItsLeilani~The boys only brought us food because you told them to boo.
       Charli.D'Amelio~ shhhhh they dont.                  have to know that.

Gio2saucy~ you're welcome char
       Charli.D'Amelio~thanks boo

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"So who wants to play truth or dare?" Desi asked. We all said yes and got an empty water bottle. Desi spun first since it was her idea. It landed on me. Of course it would land on me. "Charli truth or dare?" "Dare." I dare you to do seven minutes in heaven with gio." She said smirking. Omg she knows I like him why would she do this. Smh. "Ok fine." I went and grabbed gios hand and took him to a closet. "listen gio we dont have to do anything if you dont want-" " I know what you're going to say dont say it." He told me. " what? Why?" "Because charli, I know you might not realize it, but I like you. Like in more than a friend way. And I k ow you probably dont-" he started but I cut him off. "But I do gio, i do." Then he kissed me. Time felt like it wa going slow. I couldn't get that feeling out of my stomach. But then desi had to call the timer. And we walked out hand in hand. They all looked at us like we were weird. And we sat back down. I spun the bottle nezt and it landed on josh. "Ok Josh truth or dare." I asked. " truth." "Ok what is your darkest secret?" His eyes widened and he stopped smiling. "My darkest secret is that I still have feelings for you." I looked at him then at gio who looked livid. "Sorry Josh I dont like you anymore." I hugged gio and he seemed to calm down. We stopped playing they game after a while and started watching a movie. We watched Toy Story 4, and then half way through the movie my eyes started to get droopy and I started to fall into a deep sleep on gios chest. I woke up when I felt someone carrying me to my room. I looked up and saw gio. He is so sweet. He put me on my bed and I went back to sleep. I woke up when my alarm went off. I groaned and got out of bed. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I got out did my morning routine and put clothes on.



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