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The brightness of the lights blinded her as she regained consciousness and opened her eyes. Her whole body hurt, it felt like she was beat, trampled, whatever could make a person feel the way she does.

Once her eyes adjusted to the light she sees a woman in blue scrubs standing in front of a monitor. She's definitely in a hospital and not just laying on the street. The woman notices she's awake and walks over to her.

"Ms.Torreto, I'm glad you are awake. How are you feeling?" The woman takes a pen light and shines it in her eyes.

"Like hell. What happened?" Aryn asks with a scratchy voice.

"You were in a car accident. A drunk driver hit you. You're going to be okay, but I'll get your doctor to come talk to you about your condition." Aryn nods and the nurse steps out of the room.

She returns a few minutes later with Aryn's doctor.

"Ms.Torreto I'm glad to see you're awake. I'm Dr. Nash, are you ready to talk?" Aryn nods, and Dr. Nash continues. "So you have a fracture in your hip, some bruising and a few cuts. You're very lucky from what I heard. Your hip could be fixed quickly with surgery but due to your pregnancy we can not operate." She explains.

"Pregnancy? I'm pregnant?!" Aryn exclaims.

"Yes, you're about eight and a half weeks along. I had a feeling you didn't know after I spoke to your friend Natalie."

"Is the baby okay?" Aryn asks with tears overflowing her eyes.

"Yes, thankfully the baby is perfectly fine, but I'm going to keep you here for observation for at least the next two days and we will talk about how you'll get home with your hip and everything else before you leave okay?" Aryn nods and wipes her tears away.

"Thank you, so much."

After Dr. Nash leaves, Natalie comes in and engulfs Aryn in a hug, but also tries not to hurt her.

"I was so worried about you. What happened? Are you okay?" Natalie wipes her own tears and grabs Aryn's hand.

"He dumped me. Said he never wanted to see me or hear from me ever again and on the way back to the hotel a drunk driver hit me." Aryn explains. Natalie nods. "I have a fractured hip and I'm eight weeks pregnant." Aryn spits the last part out quickly.

"Oh my god! Is the baby okay?" Natalie throws her free hand over her mouth.

"The baby is okay. I'm okay . We're going to be okay Nats. The three of us."


Aryn had gone into labor the week before and finally delivered her perfect baby girl, Scarlett Paige Torreto, with Natalie and her mother by her side. They both had been released two days later and went back to their house that Aryn shared with Natalie. Aryn was so in love with her daughter, she sat in the rocking chair with her all of the time, just cuddled up and staring at her.

Aryn and Natalie were sitting in the living room watching a movie while Scarlett slept in her nursery. Aryn pauses the movie and turns to Natalie.

"Do you want to start a business with me?"

"Hell yeah."


Elisabeth Rioux as Aryn Giselle Torreto

Halston Fisher as Scarlett Paige Torreto

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Halston Fisher as Scarlett Paige Torreto

Halston Fisher as Scarlett Paige Torreto

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Claudia Tihan as Natalie Rae Dubois

+ Jake Nolan & The Bondi Lifeguards as Themselves

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Jake Nolan & The Bondi Lifeguards as Themselves

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