Chapter 7

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Scrubbing the floors in the clubhouse Emma twirled around and danced to Dolly Parton as she mopped the previously grime ridden floor. She had on a pair of dark jeans, a pair of black tennis shoes, a loose fitting black cardigan, and a black  t-shirt that she had gotten a few months prior to moving to Charming. Today she wore her makeup like she usually would if she was doing any work in the clubhouse she had eyeliner on that she had fashioned into a cat's eye style, some light mascara to bring out her big bright green eyes, and some nude lipstick. Over the course of two months she had become accustomed to helping around the house, having some of the guys over for dinner, and occasionally going out with Gemma.

Not thinking anyone was in the room with her Emma began to sing with the music, "Jolene Jolene Jolene Jooooleeene! I'm begging of you please don't take my maaaan! Jolene Jolene Jolene Jooooleeeene please don't take him just because you caaaaan!"

She sashayed to the bucket and put the mop in it to get some of the grime off, "Your beauty is beyond compare, with flaming locks of auburn hair, and ivory skin with eyes of emerald green."

Unknowingly to her a few of the guys had entered when they heard music playing in the clubhouse when no one was supposed to be in there. Bobby was the first to stop in his tracks as soon as he heard Emma singing, it gave him an idea to mention this to Gemma for the Taste of Charming charity drive that was coming up soon. Chibs and Juice were the next to stop behind their brother as they watched their pretty blonde friend sing and dance while cleaning up. The last to stop was Tig, he had a smirk formed on his face knowing that Emma could sing quite well. He had gone over to her place one night for dinner and he caught her singing along to some country girl band that he'd never heard of before. 

Emma continued to clean up and sing unaware of her friends watching her as she did so, "Your smile is like a breath of spring, your voice is soft like the summer rain, and I cannot compete with you Jolene! He talks about you in his sleep and their's nothing I can do to keep from crying when he calls your name Jolene. And I can easily understand how you could easily take my man, but you don't know what he means to me Jolene. "

Taking a spin as the chorus began again Emma let out a yelp as she saw the boys watching her before she said, "What in the hell are y'all doing creeping up on me like that?"

Walking up to the bar to take a seat Bobby was the first to speak with his brother's behind him to sit as well, "Darling we heard music from outside and we were wondering where it came from. We had no idea that we'd walk in on you cleaning and singing when we walked in here."

"Yeah," she said slightly huffing, "I get into a different world when I listen to Dolly here. I've listened to her since I was a little girl."

Juice then said, "Yeah that Jolene chick sounds like a bitch."

"You have no idea sugar," Emma said patting his cheek lightly, "she was the mistress to Dolly's husband Carl Dean."

"Yeah I remember hearing this song years ago," Tig said while taking a shot of Jack Daniels.

Chibs chuckled slightly, "I'm sure you were there when it came out Tigger."

Scoffing slightly Tig replied, "I'll have you know I was twelve when this song came out you shit for brains."

Tilting her head to the side Emma asked, "Wait so you're forty-seven Tig? I had no idea, I mean I figured you were younger than that to be honest. Forty-one or forty-two sure, but not forty-seven. You look good for your age," she ended with a wink in his direction.

"Thanks darlin'," he replied with a grin forming upon his lips, "It's good to know that I look younger than I really am."

Wiping down the counter as she laughed with the boys Emma looked up to see Happy walk in with a blonde haired man close to him. She had to admit to herself that he was quite handsome and from his swagger he knew he looked good.

Happy sat down next to Tig on his left patting his brother on the shoulder. Then the blonde sat down on the only empty seat beside Happy. He looked up at Emma and gave her a broad grin with a twinkle in his eye, while a faint blush appeared on her cheeks. Tig sat down fuming in the direction of the blonde that had just came in with Happy and he was trying to hold restrain in front of Emma.

Surprising his brother's Happy spoke to Emma, "Hey Em can you get me and Koz here a couple of Budweiser's?"

 "I don't know Happy are you going to eat my pork lo mein when you come to visit me again to watch Snapped and critique the way the women killed whoever they killed," she asked while giving him a hard glare.

"I said I was sorry," he replied gruffly, "I didn't know that you were saving it for dinner later on that night."

"Yeah sure whatever," with that being said she left the room to grab the beers.

Watching her butt as she moved Kozik hit Happy's shoulder, "Damn brother you didn't tell me that you had a new crow eater here."

Tig growled from the other side of Happy and said, "Look here shithead that isn't any crow eater or sweet butt that just walked into the kitchen. That's Emma she's a friend of the club's and close with Gemma. Now you better show her some respecet asshole or I'll beat you senseless where you sit."

Holding his hands up in mock fear Kozik said, "Whatever man."

It wasn't until Bobby gave his opinion on the matter that the blonde knew they weren't kidding, "Nah man you gotta understand none of us have slept with her and honestly we don't want to. We have too much respect for her to do that."

Standing up Kozik walked in the direction of the pool tables, "Well let me have the honor of being the first to have a taste of that sweet southern peach. I'm sure she's had riding lessons and can ride me like she's racing in the Kentucky Derby."

Hearing those words leave his Kozik's mouth Tig stalked over to him and socked him in they eye. Once the first punch was thrown an all out brawl between the men had began and their brothers raced to move the furniture out of the way so nothing was destroyed. They all began to yell and cheer as 9 to 5  blared from the stereo in the background. 

Emma walked back in with the two beers and handed one to Happy while sitting where Tig had sat previously, "What did I miss here?"

Happy then replied, "You're not missing much just these two assholes fighting. It's nothing new here."

"What are you talking about," she asked while taking it upon herself to drink Kozik's beer that she had originally brought out for him.

"Well Grace my darlin' sweet girl," Chibs began as he placed an arm around her shoulders, "Ya see Kozik and Tiggy here have a rough past with one another. Now when one of them is provoked enough they'll start to fight, much like they are now. 

"And what pray tell started this fight," she asked taking another swig of the beer.

"You don't even want to know," Juice said while grinning at her. 

Shaking her head Emma stood up and told the men, "Well when they stop fighting I want them to clean up the mess that they are making. I just got this place spotless."

Bobby pat her on the shoulder, "Don't worry darlin' we'll take care of it. Where are you headed?"

"Oh I told Tara that I'd meet up with her for lunch today. She wanted to get to know me and I agreed to have lunch with her at the hospital. So you boys take care," with that she was out the door steadily avoiding the fighting men.

Knocking Kozik on his ass Tig spat at him before saying, "You don't ever talk about that woman like that again."

"Yeah whatever Tiggy man. I was just fucking with ya," Kozik said with a grin growing on his face as he sat down at the bar taking a shot of tequila. 

Chibs then told Tig, "Well brother it looks like you defiantly have some feelings for Grace huh?" 

"Yeah man I don't know I just don't want any asshole like that wanna be beach boy prick to talk about her like that. She deserves all the respect in the world."

Tig's brothers all had grins on their faces, besides Kozik. They knew for quite some time that the Sargent of Arms had feelings for the pretty southern belle, it was just comical that it took Kozik being an complete dick to get him to realize that he was developing some feelings for her. 

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