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3rd POV

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3rd POV

with a shy little girl slinking under gus' arm ghoste's hands tighten around his cup, almost breaking it seeing the gorgeous girl so close to his friend. she looks up at him through her eyelashes, still wet from her tears and she struggles to find the words to say to the man. ghoste sees this and smirks, he is going to wait for her to say something, so he can see her squirm in discomfort over making the "first move" 

ghoste POV

this little brat is stubborn isn't she? it has been 8 minutes and she has just sat there, on peep's lap playing with her hands and whispering to gus and bex. completely disrespecting me. I think gus noticed my slight anger cause he pinched her on the side and jerked his head towards me, indicating for her to talk to me. she shifts in gus' lap and faces towards me looking up at me with those big eyes of hers. another couple tears fell and she shakily got out,

"my name is lili... whats your name s-sir?" as soon as she finished speaking i choked on my water from hearing the word "sir" pass her lips. she is playing a dangerous game, and by the look on her face, she doesn't even know it. once i collect myself, i motion for gus and bex to leave, and they do so willingly, not wanting to be apart of her innocent little games. 

she looks up at them franticly, scared that they are leaving her with me. poor babi. scooting towards her more, i grab her hand and place a kiss on her palm and brush my thumb up and down the back of her hand to calm her down. she gasps at this and visibly relaxes a little. 

"you may call me eric little one..." once i finally engage with her verbally she looks down at her lap, pulls out her purse and takes out a lolipop. she quickly unwraps it and puts it in her mouth, swirling her tounge around it. making me grip her hand a little harder as a reaction of her sexy little mouth. 

"how many of those have you had tonight princess?" i look at her with a raised eyebrow and she widens her eyes and looks down ashamed of herself almost. placing my fingers on her chin to lift her head towards mine i utter out softly,

"use your words"

hi ghouls um go u want more? i've had some positive feedback i just wanna get ur opinion on if i should? and if so gimme sum ideas u have or sum suggestions of sumthing. 

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