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lili on left blossom on right :)

similar to the night prior, two girls could be seen walking by themselves through the streets of a busy city. the difference being their outfits, and the lack of candy by one of the counterparts. the smaller girl was skipping along the sidewalk happily with her phone in one hand and her bestfriends hand in the other. her pigtails were swinging in the breeze and her face was lit up with excitement over seeing her new friends. 

lili POV

when blossom and i got to this big building she took lead and went in first. it smelt good here. like new car and cologne. i like it. still clutching my hand, blossom walks up a flight of stairs and opens the second door i see. out of the door comes a slight smoke cloud and light laughter. feeling excited i burst right in excited to see ari and i come face to face with a chest. so face to chest i guess. raising my eyes to the person before me my stomach flips when i see its gus! he picks me up and slings me over his shoulder and i start giggling and squealing as he runs me around on his back. 

"gussssy put me down pleasee!" i manage to get out between giggles.

"if you say so princess..." he quickly puts me right-side up and plops me down on someones lap. with a big smile still on my face i turn to see who it is

"hello love." bexeys deep funny voice rang through my ears and i gave him a big hug while he discreetly slipped a lollipop in my pocket. 

*gasp* "wheres MY hug babygirl?!" ari looks so sad i haven't hugged him yet i almost cried. 

"RIGHT HERE DON'T WORRY ARI!" launching myself onto the grinning man he spins me around and im giggling all over again. 

"oh my goodness i've missed you all so much!" i gushed as i sat down on a chair by myself, unwrapping the sweet bex got me. 

"and we you babygirl. say, i have a little something something for you if you'd like..." with a wiggling of his eyebrows he pulls a capri sun out of his shorts and throws it to me. after i don't catch it and it lands on the floor, i pick it up and happily start to sip on the sweet liquid. only to do interrupted by an angry sounding voice. 

"man what the fuck are you being so loud for man!" out comes eric from the booth with angry eyes and headphones around his neck. and when his eyes land on mine, and the candy in my mouth, i nearly faint.  


do you guys still fw this story doe? 


also i hope you are all doing well and healthy during this quarantine time <3

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