Prologue 3000 Years Ago

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Thousands of IceWings, NightWings, MudWings, SeaWings, RainWings, SandWings, SkyWings and CloudWings lined around half of the one massive continent of Palariah. The eight armies of dragons faced against the HiveWings, LeafWings and SilkWings. And though the tribe numbers on one side were much larger, the other three tribes had many greater numbers in dragons.

"Are you ready for this?" Hurricane, the queen of the CloudWings asked to Queen Drizzle with confidence.

"What are you talking about? RainWings are the toughest fighters in Palariah. We've got this. And yes, I know NightWings can foresee the future and read minds blah blah blah. And sure, animus dragons have the ability to almost do whatever they want. We don't need all those fancy shmancy powers when we have venom," Drizzle teased back to her friend.

"It's a shame that we had to come to this. Palariah has lived in peace for thousands of years and now there is war," chimed in Sleet with a rueful smile. The other queens around nodded solemnly as they marched, leading the many tribes and thousands of dragons. Hurricane tried not to think so deep into the war, or she'd regret everything. She didn't want to think about how the LeafWings and RainWings shared the trees together, hosting parties, laughing at ceremonies and gliding swiftly through the treetops together as they casually chatted. She didn't want to think about the SilkWings and RainWings who used to playfully challenge each other on how astonishing one could get and if the RainWing lost, the SilkWing would get soaked in fruit juices by the RainWing and they'd laugh together. Nor did she want to think about how all the dragons celebrated the SilkWings when they got their new wings, for it was a very special moment.

As well as not wanting to think of those beautiful memories, she didn't want to think of the present when the three tribes were coming from the other side and not next to the other eight tribes of Palariah. But Hurricane was thinking of it and the more memories and reminders nestled themselves in Hurricane's head, the more she didn't want to fight in a war. All Hurricane wanted was peace. She had grown up in it. But now, this is where Palariah was.

For right now, there was and probably will never be that same peace again. All Hurricane could do is have hope, hope in the Creator. She knew nothing would ever be the same after this barbarous war, but this had to be done. The three tribes on the other side of Palariah came flying or marching up to the other side of dragons. Hurricane stared at the...enemies. What a weird and horrible word...enemies. Glancing back at the thousands of her and the other seven queens' dragons, Hurricane wished that none of them on either side would be here. She wished that all of the dragons would be going about their business, doing everyday things like working at the markets or soaring with the wind currents or something soothing and nice. Suddenly, all three tribe enemies halted when they were all organized and all the queens stepped forward, as did the other three queens from the other side.

"Vespa, Butterfly and Aspen, we don't want war, we only want peace." Declared Hurricane.

"So, do we. But we're not going to live enslaved." Butterfly hissed back, her wings flaring. For some reason, the Queen Butterfly had that delicate, flowing, fluffy name but she was the opposite of fluffy. She was sharp and strong-willed and fierce, as were the other two queens.

"We don't want to enslave or take control of any of the tribes." Answered Hurricane patiently, "all that we asked of you is that we could have more land since our tribes are expanding and the LeafWings live in the trees and don't need the land and the HiveWings live in hives and also don't need that much land."

"You're all just selfish." Spat Vespa, stepping forward slightly.

"All of this, over land?" Chimed in Star the NightWing queen. "What is the point if we could all just work together?

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