Chapter Seven

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What? This didn't make sense. Sunbeam soared down until she caught onto the familiar wind current that whooshed throughout the CloudWing tribe. She made her way to the castle and on the way, she past smiling or laughing CloudWings who merrily conversated or flew in silence together.

Coming up to the palace, Sunbeam landed harshly and stormed her way in. The guards cast a suspicious glance but let her through anyway. Stomping in, Sunbeam stared her icy stare onto the queen who was talking seriously to a CloudWing.

"Queen Puff." Sunbeam growled. Turning her head to Sunbeam, she gave Sunbeam's mean stare a nervous glance back.

"Sunbeam, why are you back so soon? I--"

"Don't tool with me. I know that you sent me away because you wanted me gone. I know that you're the evil spreading across the continents and you knew that for some reason I don't know that I'd interfere with your plans." She snarled pawing closer and closer as nervous, confused and frightened CloudWings stepped out of the way.

Two guards that were standing close to the queen straightened their spears and came to guard the queen but she waved them away.

"Sunbeam, I don't know how you got that in your head, but I promise you with all of my heart, I am not the evil. Why would I only send one dragonet away from me?"

That was true.

"I--I um no, in the prophecy Clearice said the clouds will block the view. She's talking about the CloudWings."

"Some prophecies can be literal. What if actual clouds are blocking the view. Or why would it be me? Out of all the CloudWings."

Sunbeam widened her eyes and she felt like she was melting.

"How do I know that you're not trying to trick me?"

"I'll tell you in private."

"You can tell me here."

She sighed but didn't refuse. Queen Puff gave Sunbeam a longing look, "Sunbeam, your family did die. And the queen before me, Queen Rain is gone. As you probably figured out when you...went past the border that you can read minds which is something only royalty can possess."

"I am not your mother, or your grandmother, but I am your aunt. And you're the next dragon to be queen and rule the CloudWings."

Every dragon's jaws dropped...including Sunbeam's. So apparently no one knew.

"So why would I trick my niece?" She asked with true compassion in her eyes. Queen Puff really wasn't the evil. She didn't want to hurt anybody.

"My queen...I don't know what to say other than I'm sorry. I'm terribly terribly sorry."

"Don't be. I know that there are manipulative words and thoughts and dragons and this is a hard time." She assured Sunbeam, wrapping her wing comfortingly around her niece.

Then, the queen glanced around at her worried looking CloudWings and pulled away.

"I must take care of my dragons. You must go before it is too late. Sunbeam, everyone is depending on you." She gazed into Sunbeam's eyes with a serious expression.

"But be safe! As queen I command you too! And you're the future queen so we need you."

"I will be safe. I promise." She smiled and hugged her aunt tightly.

"Do you need me to send a guard to fly with you?"

"No, that's alright. I know my way." She said.


Dipping her head in respect, Sunbeam parted from the palace and flapped off the platform, spiraling through a cloud on her way to the edge of the CloudWing territory. As she bolted out, Sunbeam nearly knocked into two dragonets flying close to each other.

"Oh! I'm so sorr--" She jerked to a stop. "Lightstreak, Rainbow?" Sunbeam gasped just as they did with her name.

"What are you doing here?" Questioned Rainbow, utterly confused.

"I was just about to leave." Sunbeam turned to flap away but Lightstreak stopped her.

"Wait." He commanded. "Sunbeam we--"

"Don't." Snapped Sunbeam. Shocked, Rainbow and Lightstreak didn't know how to react to this. Sunbeam had never been so upset with them. Sunbeam too, was a little shocked. Turning once more, Sunbeam flapped hard and harshly before they could stop her again. They didn't dare follow Sunbeam.

Barely glancing back, Sunbeam blew out a frustrated breath and shook of the creeping guilt. What were they going to say? They were sorry? They missed her? Well she didn't miss them. She wasn't sorry. Suddenly, her stomach twisted in a tight knot. She didn't mean that...did she?

Too tangled up in her emotions and thoughts, Sunbeam tried to pull herself out and not worry about those emotions. There was too much at stake. The border showed itself finally and Sunbeam flapped harder, determined to get to the RainWing village with her real friends and explain that Queen Puff was not the evil. Sunbeam was confident of at least that.

The only problem was if she wasn't the evil...what or who was?

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